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  1. FreddyLongSongs

    Review for ‘Out of Character’ by Freddy Long
  2. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Trailer for Thriller “Out of Character”

    The Official Trailer for latest short film “Out of Character”
  3. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos The Eyes of IRMA - Freddy Long This isn't the final version. I need the narration plus it isn't the best quality, YouTube compressed it. Just want y'all opinions. It is unlisted so please don't share it because I will be submitting to festivals first.
  4. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Micro Short - Nouvelle Fumée (New Wave Smoke)
  5. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos FLS Films Presents iLASH Queen Birthday Party I just shot some clips and made a thing of it. A one minute film. Follow me on Instagram @FLSFilms
  6. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Second Trailer of An Hour Past Her Time
  7. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos An Hour Past Her Time Trailer

    I haven't been on here in awhile. I've been living but back to the grind and almost finished with this short film.
  8. FreddyLongSongs

    30 FPS vs 24 FPS

    So, my editor and I started editing my short film in FCP and I noticed the DP shot the film in 30 fps. I assumed he knew to shoot in 24 fps. It looks and sounds great but it looks like TV and not cinema. Is it a dealbreaker for festivals? Do anyone here prefer their films shot in 30 over 24?
  9. FreddyLongSongs

    editing Finished The Shoot For An Hour Past Her Time

    After my last thread asking about lighting, $400 for a skilled DP was well worth the investment. I cannot wait until editing but I have to. Whew! It was hot! Thank GOD i had a makeup artist. The cast and crew were great! I will have a trailer in a few weeks.
  10. FreddyLongSongs

    Saw Morris From America and Antibirth

    Both are dope indie films. One with Craig Robinson anfmd Antibirth with the lesbian chick from American Pir and Chloe Signy, whatever her name is starred. Im just recommending and not reviewing. Ask questions if want to inquire.
  11. FreddyLongSongs

    lighting No Budget Lighting

    How to handle lighting in a no budget film? The location has very bad lighting and i don't want to go above 200 in iso. Im strapped for cash. Have to feed and hydrate the cast and crew, gas for the cast, new tripod, dolly for tripod and a dslr rig. I need a desk too. Thats close to $400. So i...
  12. FreddyLongSongs

    The One Thing About Film Unlike Music...

    You cant go far with a bad screenplay. Whether its quality, sound, or wont be around long. I watch the ccompetition on here and the greats and the weakest link is usually the story. Scratch that, its the screenplay. The camera can't save it. Final Cut Pro, nothing.
  13. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Video of Live Performance by Sons of Mystro They even do legendary rendition of Drake's One Dance on violin.
  14. FreddyLongSongs

    Finding Free Acting Talent

    I'll say that's the real advantage of film school for people outside of LA and NY. It seems like an uphill battle. I like to build relationships and take care of people that look out for me. If I gotta pay anyone $50 to do my shorts then they will earn every penny. So, how do you all get talent...
  15. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Come Meet The Jokers at Terror Park
  16. FreddyLongSongs

    Freddy Long of FreddyLongSongs

    Hello indietalk, My name is Freddy Long and I am seriously into film. Just getting started. I test drove my skills and camera (a DSLR) with my little cousins. It's in the experimental viewing area. My favorite films are Inside Man and Love Jones. I'm big on screenwriting and director...
  17. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos First Film Period

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the board and seriously want to make a career for myself in indie film. This is a one-minute film I did with my younger cousins.