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  1. geckopelli

    screenplay Which Production Companies Are Buying Unsolicited Scripts?

    PCs do not lay claim to IPs submitted to them. That's absurd. You have been vastly mis-informed.
  2. geckopelli

    crew How much does it cost in the US to film stuff?

    It depends on your connections. Before the pandemic shut us down, I booked a full crew including two cameras, lights and sound for $1,800 a day by using a reputable Production Service Company.
  3. geckopelli

    financing Has anyone succeeded with crowdfunding a film, and if so, how?

    I've never myself been involved in crowdfunding, but an associate of mine, Justin "The Kickstater Guy" Giddings, does it professionally and does consults and holds classes, too. He's very successful at it. Tell him Kay Luke sent you.
  4. geckopelli

    Film Makers and Websites

    Most of the Indie guy's I deal with have a locked Vimeo account. When they want me to see thier work, they send my the password. There's no public scrutiny of thier work. If I want to find someone but I don't know who, I search Linkedin, and reach out. Pretty much everybody who works behind the...
  5. geckopelli

    critique Friendly Spirits, a short 2 page script – any critique appreciated

    I've got loads of free Screenwriting manuals, etc., in PDF form that I've collected over the years. If you pm me an email, I'll send them to you. That goes for anyone else, too. Meanwhile, . Check out the Beat Sheet Calculator and the Treatment Generator.
  6. geckopelli

    logline The Runner

    The Higher the Concept the easier it is to get read. Mlesemann nailed it with ,"A college football star puts his own dreams on hold to raise his orphaned niece," which is essentially "A person subjugates his own wants to the needs of someone he loves" and that's as High a Concept as there is...
  7. geckopelli

    critique Friendly Spirits, a short 2 page script – any critique appreciated

    INT. KITCHEN - JIM'S APARTMENT - DAY [<--That's the correct way. Likely, you would precede this scene with an establishing shot of the EXT. of Jim's House] A very brief description of the Kitchen goes here, including the Table and any other props that will be used. Jim Bartholomew (age)...
  8. geckopelli

    character How to write low-budget intimate character drama

    Then I stand corrcted. On the other hand, it wasn't clear to me, and I'm a producer, so...
  9. geckopelli

    character How to write low-budget intimate character drama

    A word to the wise: The moment you use the derogatory deminutive "nymph" you get a great big, techincolor PASS. In today's nauseaously PC Hollywood, nymphomania is an outdated, mysoginistic term. "Hypersexuality" is the correct word. Don't look at me-- I don't make the rules.
  10. geckopelli

    story Screenwriting from two different artistic perspectives to make a story

    Exactly! The best screenplay is the one that gets financed.
  11. geckopelli

    screenplay A mess of notes - organize to acts

    Start with a Logline. Make a List: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Next, using at least four of those elements, write one or two--three tops-- sentences that say what your story is about. And remeber that stories are about people, so include the Who for sure. Once you know what your story...
  12. geckopelli

    story Screenwriting from two different artistic perspectives to make a story

    Screenwritng is a lot more than a formality. It's an art and a craft, the same way Sculpting is. I can craft a technically flawless screenplay from your idea, but that doesn't mean it not going to stink as a movie. Ever see HUDSON HAWK? Or ISTHAR? Or HEAVEN'S GATE? Or half the crap on Netflix...
  13. geckopelli

    story Rewrite a screenplay

    Action Genre Heroes don't have an arc. That's John Jarvis' opinion and I agree. This guy is confusing the Hero for the Impact Character, which are not generally the same thing, (but can be). For cutting down, if every scene is essential to the story and it's 180 pages, etiher turn into...
  14. geckopelli

    format Format issues when scene filmed by surveillance video

    Right on! Who the hell is "we"? It's just me, and I'm reading a script
  15. geckopelli

    format Format issues when scene filmed by surveillance video

    You're reading way too much into this. It's just a POV. INT. MANAGER’S OFFICE - THE PARADISE ROOM - NIGHT POV: SECURITY CAMERA ON THE OFFICE WALL Tacky. A desk, a chair, filing cabinet, a casting couch and small refrigerator. There are two security monitors, one showing the security camera...
  16. geckopelli

    Ask Us Anything About Screenwriting

    This does not work. The person cast as Rebecca might have blue eyes, and nethier Directors nor Actors like writers passive-aggressively directing.
  17. geckopelli

    story Rewrite a screenplay

    It's likely that your scenes start too early and end too late. Eliminate transitory scene, i.e., transporting or arriving at the next scene. Look for superfolous characterization scenes that can be cut or transitoined into part of another scene. Consolidate you scenes so that every scene has...
  18. geckopelli

    acting ASAP Replacement Actor in LA due to last minute cancellation needed.

    I need a child actor, boy aged 7-12, white of latino, for a paid gig tomorrow, 3/29/21, in Los Angeles. This is for an Indie Director friend who has had a last minute cancellation. If you know anyone, please contact me ASAP. I will immediately pass any interested parties to the Director. Thanks.
  19. geckopelli

    logline ?

    Your log is an observation, not a story. The guy says "OK" and the movie's over. Unless-- "The AG is forced to throw out the book and defend his wife when--" that stuff happens. That's a log. Raise the stakes, raise the tension, i.e., pregnant wife. Why do I want to watch this guy, anyway...
  20. geckopelli

    movies Is this movie good?

    I was never in the military, but I grew up and went to school on military bases and I believe that there are a variety of grenades with different capabilities.