Search results

  1. StevenUK

    UK Public liability and indemnity insurance.

    Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I was unable to utilise the burning location. In the end I was able to piggy back on a friends company insurance. However I discovered that when I referred to myself as an amateur filmmaker, rather than independent, no one bothered to ask for insurance, even...
  2. StevenUK

    DVD Creating Software

    If you get DVD Studio Pro (from Apple), a word of warning, it's the least intuitive Apple program I've ever used. I picked up basic Final Cut functions without missing a beat, but DVD Studio Pro, doesn't work much out for you. I've got it working now, but I was stuck with bit rate and Photohop...
  3. StevenUK

    I've decided I want to make the move to LA

    Attitude and other skills are what I look for when employing a junior in my main business, graphic design. Any one with a 'not willing to learn attitude' doesn't stand a chance, you'd be surprised how many people have. I would definitely expect them to have done something, even amateur, before...
  4. StevenUK

    So if Blair Witch made 240 million...

    The film cost $22,000, but how much did the studio spend afterwards to promote and distribute it? You can spend a lot of money very quickly on promotion, probably not $240.5 million of course. I suppose if all you're doing is making films (i.e. it's not a side line like me) a million dollars...
  5. StevenUK

    HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray

    I'm definitely going to wait until the dust settles. I find if I play my DVDs though my laptop on to my HD projector it res'es them up nicely. Plus it took ages for the titles I like to come out on DVD so I imagine it'll take even longer for them to come out on Blu-ray or HD-DVD. I promised...
  6. StevenUK

    Newb looking for tripod recommendations.

    I tend to 'hire' the best tripod I can, because I find they make all the difference when filming. Features I tend to look for are: - Fluid Head - Reasonably heavy - Those quick release legs (don't know the proper name) But I like to get the camera pointing roughly where I want and then just...
  7. StevenUK

    Discouraging web essay ("Don't make a film...")

    Yep, me too. If you have that attitude every success is brilliant and every failure a learning experience. I never plan to make any money out of my film work, but that doesn't mean I don't try to make them commercial viable... just in case. I suppose, for me, people watching my work (without...
  8. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    Yeh, I'm getting that too, must be something wrong with it at the moment? I don't have your address, could you PM me it when you get a chance, or you could just sent it to my email if you've still got it. Steven Edited to say, it's working now.
  9. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    Hello Richard, I fail to see how my request has offended you? If I was to give you the benefit of the doubt I would assume that you were commenting that my little effect was a bit cliched? But seeing as you call me a prick one minute and then send me a PM requesting information on a song the...
  10. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    Yep, that sounds like a good way to add it in post. I'm using FCP, so it should be pretty simply.
  11. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    Just a quick update, I found some nice burn outs on
  12. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    Hi Eddie, that's what I've been looking for, with only a little bit of success. By the way, I've just finished editing all the footage we shot. And to be honest it don't look half bad. It's a bit rough and ready, but that sort of goes with the film. Here's a link to the Facebook Group...
  13. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    That's a good idea. I wish I'd thought of it when I shot the footage.
  14. StevenUK

    Looking for footage from a camera getting smashed

    As the title. I'm looking for some footage FROM a camera getting smashed, to put on the end of a film I'm working on. I've managed to simulate it pretty well, but if I can find something better, great. Obviously I'd have to cut it tight to make sure I didn't get any of the footage that was...
  15. StevenUK

    Better to be Amateur

    I've just recently organised all my locations for my next project and I have found that when I refer to myself as an Independent Filmmaker, some people wanted a fees and insurance. However, if I called myself and amatuer, which is more accurate if a little less flattering to the ego, everyone...
  16. StevenUK


    I think one of the main questions is what's in it for them? Exposure, money, expences or just some practice and the fun of making a film. I usually canvas friends, then amateur drama groups and occasionally semi professionals. For the later two I offer a token payment, expences and a detailed...
  17. StevenUK

    It only took 22 years

    And of course check out 'The Dam Busters' for where the Death Star canal run comes from.
  18. StevenUK

    It only took 22 years

    Cool. I hope they keep the over use of the word 'thunder'. Thunder Tank, Thundrilliam, Thunderpants etc. Steven
  19. StevenUK

    archived-videos My kid makes better movies than I do!

    Nice film, how much of the direction was Spencer involved in? There's some pretty good story telling there i.e. establishing and close-ups etc. Steven
  20. StevenUK

    Does anyone know of a good prop makers forum?

    Yep, I've gone for a charged up raygun type arrangement. From the film website (when it eventually goes live) "the standard issue Shock Rifle is a derivative of the Bramham Dynamics™ Compact Acoustic Mining Drill, used by many of the colony's mineral contractors". Of course I won't go into...