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  1. B

    Purchasing song rights

    For me, finding an alternative song and being flexible is part of what making an indie film is all about.
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    editing Difference between CreateSpace and Amazon VOD?

    The problem is I have a special features section that has audio. I have 10 audio tracks. They told me that I need 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 audio channels. So Create Space doesn't just give people a video of the movie with one stereo track? Customers have to actually burn their own DVD?
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    editing Difference between CreateSpace and Amazon VOD?

    Can you extract a high enough quality ProRes 422 HQ picture from a DVD? Rerendering from my timeline would be a pain in the ass.
  4. B

    Purchasing song rights

    Typically these famous artists are represented by a major publishing company like Harry Fox and they'll want an arm and a leg for licensing it. These publishers are out of touch with reality. I once inquired about licensing a song from an obscure hard rock band that flopped and nobody has...
  5. B

    Amazon Advantage now $99 annual fee!

    :no: I don't know if any of you use Amazon's Advantage program for DVD distribution but I would describe it as a "DISadvantage". First off they pocket 55% of the sale price of your product, and they are allowed to pocket even more if they so choose to increase the price of your title. For a...
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    editing Difference between CreateSpace and Amazon VOD?

    What format did you upload to them? Files extracted from a DVD?
  7. B

    editing Difference between CreateSpace and Amazon VOD?

    I've never actually bought a title through these services. What is the difference between Amazon video on demand and Create Space? Does one give you a .ISO file to burn your own DVD? Does the other let you watch a quicktime movie on your computer kind of the same way that with Kindle you can...
  8. B

    What is the best solution for a film website on a tight budget?

    You said it... Wix. Facebook and YouTube channel too.
  9. B

    Forms Needed and Why?

    Uhhhh talent release forms and crew releases, all of which should address copyrights going to you.
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    can i be sued?

    Is it done in the context of a parody?
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    Is the internet disrupting entertainment?

    Everyone wants to watch for free on YouTube. Unfortunately as a content provider you need a million views just to earn $1,275.00
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    Hiring actors and their rates.

    Yeah! No sh***! I've never heard of a show where they cast for actors and asked how much they want to work for. Like going to a car dealership and asking how much you should write the check out for. That will only lead you to overpay. You set your rate and begin casting. Usually everyone who...
  13. B

    Arclight releasing SCAM

    I hate distributors who try to create the false appearance of being a big company. I know of a distributor that has a "2nd office" in Miami that I discovered was one of those furnished business office rental spaces. Rent by the day, by the week or whatever. It wasn't a real home office.
  14. B

    conditions for an exclusive

    What happens if this producer is impossible to work with, is full of crap, is a dead beat, etc, etc? You want to be able to fire someone for any reason. If you are the one putting up the money then this should be non-negotiable.
  15. B

    Sales Agents and Upfront Fees

    Only $3,750! What a bargain! LOL
  16. B

    Sales Agents and Upfront Fees

    $5,000???? Holy s**t!!!!! I was going to get into the business of selling beach front property in Montana, but now I think I'm gonna become a producer's rep! I think you exemplify how it's so easy for someone to get money out of someone in the entertainment business. You're strapped for cash...
  17. B

    Film Business Plan Online Course.

    Take all the courses and read all the books you want. You're still faced with the miserable supply and demand situation that is the film business.
  18. B

    150,000 budget... now what?

    You dropped out of college and NOW you are asking these questions? Do you know how many people are making movies? Too many! Just look at the glut of new movies released on Amazon. I hope you're not putting up any of your own money. That would only add insult to the injury of dropping out of...
  19. B

    Film Business Plan Online Course.

    I"m sure you could read a book for $30 that would teach you essentially the same thing.
  20. B

    Sales Agents and Upfront Fees

    I have heard stories about producers reps / sales agents who will take on ANY film. They pretend to go through a "review process", then of course they "accept" it, then they ask for $800 or whatever. Think about it. This is a GREAT way for someone who is out of work to make money! These guys...