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  1. Spike

    critique Leopold Augustus Bach

    Oops. Inadvertently killed the link above: here again, 4.25 pages. And a word? Anyone? I gave up on the project for a while. I so easily get diverted, but am returning now again, trying to cook up some resolution, ambition, energy...
  2. Spike

    blog My writing.

    Ahh. You want to be serious, and I respect that. It's a dense, but I think, good idea. THat's one of the things you can do with science fiction, deal with important and always relevant subjects--justice; injustice--by being able to frame them in unique settings. If our time traveling lawyer...
  3. Spike

    blog My writing.

    Yup, lol THat's just Gould being a smart-ass and it always makes me chuckle. He was, to my mind, the best interpreter of Bach on the keyboard, probably since Bach himself--an opinion far from universal, but not that controversial either. Anyway, I find myself really tickled by the idea of a...
  4. Spike

    movies Movies that aren't as good as you remember...

    Really fond memories of Stand by Me. Maybe I should keep them that way. Good song, though. :)
  5. Spike

    blog My writing.

    Sorry for the non sequitor but, re. Mozart, I always think of Glenn Gould's line: The tragedy of Mozart's life is that he died too old. (Glenn didn't think much of the later Mozart compositions, lol)
  6. Spike

    movies Movies that aren't as good as you remember...

    Had mentioned The In-Laws in the buddies thread, remembering thinking the "serpentine" bit was so funny. And so watched it again, for the first time in probably over a decade, and ... that bit was still funny, and it was about the only thing in the movie that was. Asian and South American...
  7. Spike

    critique Leopold Augustus Bach

    In the script, there's some Handel and Vivaldi, since each makes a cameo appearance. Otherwise it's, of course, all Bach, and most of that "live," performed (as it is here) as part of the scene.
  8. Spike

    critique Leopold Augustus Bach

    In the film, it would be on harpsichaord, and only for a few seconds. But I like Glenn's tempo and articulation here. For the scene, the Partita, I thought, would be a bit inappropriately, maybe comically, fast and busy, esp. if played as Gould plays it. And the Prelude, again, slightly...
  9. Spike

    critique Leopold Augustus Bach

    By the way, for anyone interested, the music in this scene, Friedemann at the Harpsichord. Here, Glenn Gould at the piano.
  10. Spike

    Ghost Forest

    Wow. I get that you're excited about this and I get why. Last year: "two weeks making a 3 minute video," today, "4 hours of finished video created and uploaded in a day." Astonishing. I kind of feel something like this, when GPT writes a paragraph of expository prose, instantaneously, that...
  11. Spike

    critique Leopold Augustus Bach

    Havn't posted anything here in a while, so here's something. Working on a sequence, the life and death of Leopold Augustus Bach. The players here are Sebastian (JS Bach, 33); his wife, Maria Barbara; (34) Maria Barbara's elder sister, part of the household, Friedelena (43); his daughter...
  12. Spike

    Posting an AI service on IndieTalk...

    I asked an AI (chat GPT) what it thought about my defense. It wasn't that impressed, lol. I forgot to add: the thing is kind of fun. I can admire how, along side its kind of amusing (to me) sententiousness, it can get things like tone and humor and respond, like the "open the pod bay door"...
  13. Spike

    Posting an AI service on IndieTalk...

    A few thoughts on AI in general: 1 It's here. Get used to it. 2 Take a moment to appreciate that it is something new and extraordinary on the face of the earth. A mundane example: The greatest chess player that has ever been is not a person, but some variety of toaster, that taught itself to...
  14. Spike

    favorite What is your favorite buddy film...

    Larry Moe and Curley Joe. As a little kid I couldn't watch the stooges, would be distraught thinking about how it would feel to be hit in the head with a hammer, to have someone poke you in the eyes with their fingers.
  15. Spike

    favorite What is your favorite buddy film...

    Yup, lol. That "serpentine" bit made me laugh, and chuckle again, now, just thinking of it--some great comic directing from Arthur Hiller, and acting from Falk and from Arkin, one of the premier actors of his generation. (Listened to an audio book bio by Arkin, and was a little surprised that...
  16. Spike

    favorite What's your favorite sequel...

    Surprising that this is a hard one to answer. Surprising that so many are so bad. (I don't know why i imagined the new Beetlejuice would be good, but I was kind of appalled by how un-good it was). But anyway. Of course, yea yea yea, Godfather. Beyond that i can think of Bride of...
  17. Spike

    favorite What is your favorite buddy film...

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. And a few come mind, probably not all time favorites, but memorable and certainly re-watchable: The In-Laws, with Alan Arkin and Peter Falk, and Midnight Run, with Charles Gordon and DiNero. Edit: And of course, while we're at it, The Sting. And one more...
  18. Spike

    website Specific Notes is open.

    I agree; me too. I don't have time, right now, to look at the example, but will try to critique the critique this evening. Thanks for the response (and it was so quick, i wonder . . . Are you, Specific Notes, a robot? :) ) anyway.
  19. Spike

    website Specific Notes is open.

    Of course beating injured horse, but I'd love to see ten pages of notes on "Premise."-- Your premise is good; your premise is bad; your premise has been done; your premise is unique; your premise is absurd; your premise is delightfully absurd . . . I mean, I honestly would like to see how the...
  20. Spike

    marketing Asking for Reviews

    Ultimately, I think, creating art and reviewing art are two entirely different things. The first thing is laudible, is doing the Flying Spaghetti-Monster's work, regardless of the final quality or originality or whatever-criteria-one-likes, of the work. The second, regardless of its quality, is...