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  1. CamVader

    Guess The Background

    Geez, did I fart or something? Breathe deep and answer this query. ;)
  2. CamVader

    Guess The Background

    I'm leaning toward ET with a tumor, but there are other possibilities. Yes, this is one of mine so we are not picking on a colleague. What happened? Actor was late and I threw everything back up deciding it looked about the same as before. It didn't. What's your guess as to what the background...
  3. CamVader

    Recommended DSLR Fluid head for under $300

    It' the only way to live. :)
  4. CamVader

    Copyright issues with being an Internet Reviewer?

    I second Josh's comments. There is also some room to wiggle with parody, but a finer line to navigate.
  5. CamVader

    cinematography Nolan States Film beats Out Digital

    The technology is evolving. Films and directors with virtually unlimited budgets can do as they wish. The rest of us have to use what's available and attainable. Is old Hollywood threatened by digital acquisition? Sure, much in the same way horse livery owners were weary of the automobile...
  6. CamVader

    How to attach a DSLR to a c-stand? + You can clamp it to just about anything. I have two. ;)
  7. CamVader

    cinematography Question about using focal length.

    Hitchcock anyone? Bueller?
  8. CamVader

    Tech Sounds We Don't hear Anymore

    I was doing sound recently on a short and the director called, camera (rolling), sound (me - speed) - cut, what the hell is speed? Me - my digital recorder has reached speed, duh. ;)
  9. CamVader

    Happy Birthday, Ernest!

    Happy birthday, it gets better!
  10. CamVader

    cinematography OMG! FP in HD via GH2

    I think you're going to tear it up with that new camera, Mr. Pictures. At some future point, I'd like to see Bernie diversify and bring his magic to the thespian world. He'd be perfect for a new film I'm currently hallucinating about called "Budget Hospice."
  11. CamVader

    editing Color Correction Basics

    I've had this tutorial bookmarked since it came out and watch it every once in a while, always taking something away that I missed in previous viewings. He get's a little Bob Ross in this one. LOL
  12. CamVader

    Should I shoot a whole movie green screen?

    Right to the point. I like it. Movies are hard to make and there is no easy way. Overcoming obstacles is a huge part of filmmaking from my perspective.
  13. CamVader

    Cast and Crew BBQ

    I have key cast and crew (lean for the moment on the crew side) locked down for all weekends in August and we'll have a few scenes, no doubt, in September. I just got the film website up and running and should have the Indiegogo campaign up in running...
  14. CamVader

    Cast and Crew BBQ

    I was thinking the same thing. This is a perfect opportunity to gain a great reputation on that seeing the risk of not following through as well.
  15. CamVader

    Cast and Crew BBQ

    It certainly got the networking in high gear. The "friends of" this project and word of mouth is already higher than my other projects. How much it will translate to my expectations is another question, but I'm encouraged and even a little giddy as of right now. ;)
  16. CamVader

    Cast and Crew BBQ

    Had my first cast and crew barbeque for a film that is not yet cast and has no crew today. It worked out great! I invited the most talented local people, mostly a wish list, and received so many verbal commitments I regret not writing them all down. There were even people doing scenes as I...
  17. CamVader

    Give me an update!

    That was dramatic. ;) All kinds of stuff coming up I need to fill you in on. :)
  18. CamVader

    Give me an update!

  19. CamVader

    lighting What is the best lighting setup (including gels) for $500 or under?

    Not trying to be a wet blanket, but that's not a lot of money. What have you looked at in that price range?
  20. CamVader

    > My Crowdfunding Experience

    Burned it to the brain. I hope I know what I'm doing. :lol::no::yes: