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  1. directorik

    misc I thought DVDs were dead

    This one line made me laugh out loud.
  2. directorik

    Hello everyone, it's great to be here

  3. directorik

    film-school Can going to film school make a aspiring filmmaker successful?

    I'm glad to hear things have changed in film school. I never when, however I worked on several student productions during my first few years breaking in. The reason was if there were 12 students in a class 2 of them wanted to be producers and 10 wanted to direct. And none of the directors...
  4. directorik

    format Screenplay format

    You will write: EXT. ARTS AND SCIENCE BUILDING - DAY Then you will write what is happening in front of the building. Even: EXT. BUILDING - DAY Is an accepted way to format the scene in your screenplay. Then describe the building; made of brick - elaborate Rococo style - simple high rise...
  5. directorik

    indie Flashes of Flesh Trailer, info please

    Sure looks interesting. How are you connected with the movie?
  6. directorik

    screenplay Is this something decent?

    As an exercise in writing two people talking with some interesting stakes it's something decent. This will be easy to shoot if that's your plan. Some of the lines are too obvious - too “on-the-nose” is the term. But it's compelling. I always assume a writer is very purposeful with their...
  7. directorik

    crew Scene Numbering / Cross-Cutting Question ?

    You will mark the slate with the Scene Number that is on the shooting script. Say the Funeral scene is Scene 12, 15, 18 in the shooting script: Mark your slate 12, then 12A, then 12B until all shots are complete. Then mark the slate15 and shoot all that coverage. Then mark the slate 18 and...
  8. directorik

    cinematography Can I claim a cinematography credit?

    It's kinda fun to look at a 10 YEAR OLD post. I wonder what credit dr stilly took. I wonder if this movie ever saw the light of day. I wonder how many movies dr stilly has made in the ten years since asking these questions.
  9. directorik

    Anatomy of a Troll

    Another fascinating episode, Peter.
  10. directorik

    misc Can a filmmaker with the right passion make films with virtually no budget?

    Yes. Many have done it. And many more will do it. Can you?
  11. directorik

    film-school Can going to film school make a aspiring filmmaker successful?

    Film school does not guarantee a successful career because success in film depends not on a degree but mostly on luck – making the right movie for the right audience at the right time. You can be educated in film and still not be a creative film maker. You can not have a degree at all and be...
  12. directorik

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    The American Cinematheque reopened the oldest movie theater in Hollywood after a 3 year renovation restoring it to its original 1922 look. They opened with "The Killer" the new film from David Fincher. Nothing special about the movie. Great cast, great directing but a paint-by-numbers plot...
  13. directorik

    sound-gear Best budget mic for recording actors in the open?

    I don't have any experience with that mic so I can't offer much. You've done your research - that video would sell me if I were in the market. Seems late to offer other options as you just ordered it.
  14. directorik

    lighting-grip Compact (travel) key light

    For filming one person - an interview perhaps - it might be a great option. I don't have any experience with it. I love what's happening with lighting these days.
  15. directorik

    Undergrad currently working on feature film

    Welcome to indietalk. Where are you looking for financiers?
  16. directorik

    business How to create an independent film production company?

    I know you've spent a long time on this script. I'm glad you have gotten it to a version that is going to work. I always wondered about you and what happened. You were so enthusiastic about it and then stopped posting here. I hope we helped a little. And that we can help on your path making...
  17. directorik

    business How to create an independent film production company?

    That's great! Is this the script you talked about here in 2010? Or a new one?
  18. directorik

    business How to create an independent film production company?

    An excellent path; start in distribution, then secure funding for low budget, high concept movies and use their success to make bigger movies. Then sell to a huge entertainment company for millions. When will you start the process?
  19. directorik

    Producer's Corner

    Los Angeles is a great place be for making movies. Los Angeles is a horrible place to be for making movies. Welcome to indietalk. Let's get working.
  20. directorik

    business How to create an independent film production company?

    A production company is no different than any company. A manufacturing company buys or rents a building and makes a product. An auto repair company buys or rents a building and fixes cars. A "production company" make movies. And they are all started in the same way. There is a "small business...