Search results

  1. directorik

    Making a movie about people talking of the interstellar war.

    No. AFM is a place to potentially sell a completed film. Other than that it is an expensive place to talk about making movies. I don't spend much time talking about making movies. I make them.
  2. directorik

    Making a movie about people talking of the interstellar war.

    No. Two people talking will NOT cost almost $2 million. You have been given the EXACT idea, not a basic idea, an EXACT idea why in might cost $2 million and why it might cost $200,000 and why it might cost $50,000. Back in that loop again. It's damn frustrating. You could, but you won't, take...
  3. directorik

    Making a movie about people talking of the interstellar war.

    Yes, a movie costing several hundred thousand dollars can be of good quality. This is essentially the plan you and I spoke about - what is it now? 10 years ago? 15? Make one movie. Maybe make a second. Even if they are not as good as you want them to be.
  4. directorik

    Making a movie about people talking of the interstellar war.

    I am caught in a loop. Comparing the budgets of specific movies made decades ago with what could be made today is not a wise exercise. Even comparing budget estimates between your mentor, your contacts and me is unwise. Since we are all not in the same room we are likely answering slightly...
  5. directorik

    Making a movie about people talking of the interstellar war.

    The unions have basic minimum pay rates, pension/health contributions and payroll requirements that are not incurred on anon-union shoot. IATSE has a few minimum crew requirements. Even that depends on where you shoot. Canada has different requirements than the US. Even among states there are...
  6. directorik

    Making a movie about people talking of the interstellar war.

    In general those numbers still stand. No more than three sets, two actors (maybe a few more "day players") and no more than 18 shooting days. For firmer numbers I would need more information.
  7. directorik

    Taking Runway Gen 3 for a test drive

    Crazy. I don't understand all this but it sure looks cool.
  8. directorik

    sales-options UK screenwriting selling to the US and Canada. Logistics?

    Those tax credits are a way to encourage producers to hire local. However if a producer really wants to option (or purchase) a script they will find a way. So that response is a bit of a dodge. US productions don't have that restriction to funding. Each state has their tax credits and that...
  9. directorik

    EXTRA CRISPY - A film made entirely by one person

    Very engaging. This is one of those stories that I saw the ending from a a few minutes in but loved the journey getting there.
  10. directorik

    industry Four-walling a Dead End?

    Anyone who says "never" is not an insider. There are many factors in play here; if very few people show up that is a red flag for distributors. if a lot of people show up that looks great to a theatrical distributor. One week in a major market is different than one week in a small area. In my...
  11. directorik

    Follow your dreams

  12. directorik

    Anatomy of a Troll

    Once again I say, "WOW" Great stuff sonnyboo!
  13. directorik

    Welcome Post!

    Welcome. Venturing from independent films to bigger projects isn't uncharted waters. Many have done it. You can do it.
  14. directorik

    Welcome Post

  15. directorik

    crew Would anyone who has worked on film production in a studio answer this form for my A-Level Product Design research?

    I apologize for mansplaning. I often find it difficult to know the difference between offering my advice and opinions when asked and "mansplaning". You're right; it's your project. I shouldn't do any more than simply answer the questions with no comment.
  16. directorik

    critique 1-Page drama seeking critique

    The script: no critique. A nice little piece. Equipment: I can relate. Over the years I have purchased or DYI'd stuff that didn't work the way I needed it to work. During my first several years making film (on super8) I tried all kinds of methods to get my lights in the perfect place. The light...
  17. directorik

    crew Would anyone who has worked on film production in a studio answer this form for my A-Level Product Design research?

    When I asked if you meant sound stage or office space you replied "sound stage" and then change it to "both". You mislead me.
  18. directorik

    critique 1-Page drama seeking critique

    Well, I'm too late. Have a good shoot today.
  19. directorik

    crew Would anyone who has worked on film production in a studio answer this form for my A-Level Product Design research?

    Since I have worked on many film sets I opened up your survey. When you use "studio" do you mean a sound stage? Or are you asking about office space.
  20. directorik

    software This is the reason 3D model sites like P3DM RU and The Models Resource exist

    I understand your passion. I understand your "point of no return". What I don't understand it your need to find a shortcut. I understand that you fear you will die young like Terry Fox and Wowaka and not complete your project. I think that's an unreasonable fear, but I acknowledge you...