Search results

  1. directorik

    Julian Sands died, under vague circumstances

    It was big news here in the Los Angeles area - where he lived and where he was hiking. There was a major search operation for several weeks. Deadline did a story on it and updated periodically. I kinda thought it was national news. Not sure why you didn't hear about it in January.
  2. directorik

    Titanic 2

    Yet the founder and CEO of OceanGate is on board. If all he wanted to do was innovate and make money it seems to me he wouldn't have gone down with the ship...
  3. directorik

    action Should I put it in action or parenthical line?

    You are directing but you aren't the only person who will read the script. Even on an ultra-lo budget show other people will be taking cues from your script. It never hurts a writer/director to write as if the script will go through the standard process.
  4. directorik

    Characters with the same name

    Not a good reason. When I read your script I'm not interested in "some kind of vision", I want to read a good story with compelling characters. I will answer your question: Yes, you have to use the characters name all the time. If there is only one Cocka in a scene how does the reader know...
  5. directorik

    Characters with the same name

    Why? Is it essential to the story that two characters have the same name?
  6. directorik

    format Do I format my dialogues correctly?

    The very best thing a beginner can do is learn and use proper format. So you're on the right track. It's okay to write in Word - it's just more difficult to get it right. Left Margin is 1.5 inches (appx.15 spaces) From Left Margin justified left tabs: Character name is appx. 25...
  7. directorik

    editing iPhone 13 pro HDR Problem / too bright

    I have the same issue in FCP but not in iMovie. What happens when you go into color correction and adjust the contrast?
  8. directorik

    hollywood About the Will Smith incident.

    He lost some work for a few months. But he's back now. He won't be at the Oscars (I'm in rehearsal for the show right now) but he'll keep getting work. And people will still go see his movies. I suspect all of us think what he did was stupid and terrible. I think he's a coward for...
  9. directorik

    How far does Quality Go in USA?

    I get it now. I see the same thing. However, I do see a lot more "fast food" in places like London and Paris than 15/20 years ago. But absolutely in more rural areas of England and France there are nowhere near those types of food outlets as in the USA rural areas. Healthy, non-processed food...
  10. directorik

    Introducing my intention on this forum.

    Welcome. I know nothing about the film industry in Slovenia. I'd love to learn.
  11. directorik

    Hello there!

  12. directorik

    Hi Everyone, I am Subijoy Acharya. Nice to be part of indietalk family.

    Welcome. I'm looking forward to reading about the film tools you are developing.
  13. directorik

    Hello Everyone NEW TO THE GROUP

    It's always interesting to me when a new member bumps old posts - especially welcome posts. Bianca joined nine months ago and has never returned. Makes me wonder what inspired her to join up and why she never returned...
  14. directorik

    How far does Quality Go in USA?

    Some Americans would still buy the crap that is around them. Some Americans would take the time and pay the mark up. I'm not sure of your overall point. I know you know not everyone in the USA have the same tastes or the same amount of money to spend. A personal example; there is a high end...
  15. directorik

    cinematography New Cameras

    On every feature I directed - except my first one - the recordist is an owner/operator. Rarely is the DP. I hadn't really thought about that until this conversation. I owned but rarely shot movies (the occasional short for a friend) but used my camera for features I directed sometimes. Most...
  16. directorik

    cinematography New Cameras

    I'm overlooking so many cameras. I'm no longer in the market for one. The last camera I purchased was in 2010 - paid it off in five gigs.
  17. directorik

    cinematography New Cameras

    I'm no longer in the market for a camera. When I make movies now I hire a DP with equipment. As as a camera operator for reality shows I no longer own. But seeing the new Blackmagic studio camera got me thinking... At the end of the last Century I purchased one of the first MiniDV cameras -...
  18. directorik

    industry are tv companies safe to deal with?

    I'm familiar with Crypt TV. They accept a lot of unsolicited material and they're legit. They make shorts for YouTube and Fecebook.
  19. directorik

    critique I wrote story premise but I don't know if it's worth developing need critiques. ~1700 word overview of a story

    Absolutely worth developing! Right now it reads like you're a young inexperienced high-schooler so I don't have any feedback. I wrote my first scrips while in high school. I kept at it and got better and 12 years later I sold one of them as a TV episode - after a lot of rewriting. And another I...
  20. directorik

    industry are tv companies safe to deal with?

    It is. Thank you.