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  1. sfoster


    Welcome Rylan It's a scary time for the industry but fortune favors the bold! Good luck and welcome to IT
  2. sfoster

    screenplay Can you turn this paragraph into a screenplay?

    I should probably do more research before opening my mouth on this stuff - certain stem cell treatments are actually available in the usa! that surprises me. I hadn't heard about stem cells in a decade, and adam devine had that story about cuba. looking into it now. I asked BING AI - it...
  3. sfoster

    Hello Indie Talk!

    Welcome to IT
  4. sfoster

    screenplay Can you turn this paragraph into a screenplay?

    Haven't though of turkey, didn't know it was an option. I only just recently heard about the cuba stem cell thing on adam devines podcast, he said he was a huge celebrity down there because sofia vergaga from modern family is cuban and they all love her I'm gonna imagine a fantasy world where...
  5. sfoster

    screenplay Can you turn this paragraph into a screenplay?

    I think it's an emoji hugging a heart Sorry to hear you're going through all that, I'm just taking the med once per night as a fancy sleeping pill since i can't sleep through the pain otherwise. i dont have to deal with taking it during the day and being drowsy
  6. sfoster

    screenplay Can you turn this paragraph into a screenplay?

    Damn, sorry to hear that. Is it an all-soda and no-water kinda thing or just bad luck? kidney stones scare the hell out of me. I have chronic bladder pain from interstitial cystitis, and if I couldn't urinate from kidney stones I'd be in traumatic pain all day, very scary. My bladder pain has...
  7. sfoster

    screenplay Can you turn this paragraph into a screenplay?

    Now this is something I could turn into a screenplay :pop:
  8. sfoster

    Impossible To Watch

    No, some of those ideas about the software were good, just didn't want to get too bogged down in the weeds with why the company didn't work out. Switching to a free release model at the time would've been a good idea in retrospect
  9. sfoster

    Impossible To Watch

    It's okay if I'm not the most special guy in the country with a talent beloved by all is it really so bad to have an ordinary life? I wasn't trying to throw a pity party! I'm not giving up, it just is what it is. actually coming off a six month writers block, I'm finally getting some good...
  10. sfoster

    Impossible To Watch

    I think the biggest reason for my attitude is that no matter how hard I've worked, I've never achieved success at anything. I tried so hard in my 20s! At one point I quit my job and was working 100 hours a week for over a year trying to start a software company. Got nothing out of it but debt...
  11. sfoster

    Impossible To Watch

    That strategy definitely works for some problems! My lastest stall-out was a lot more systemic, I feel pretty dumb about it. I set out to write a wizard story, without realizing that if you completely stay in the real world you're actually writing a superhero story. My whole concept was flawed...
  12. sfoster

    Impossible To Watch

    I dont have any footing to debate you about productivity. I'm still on the first 1/2 of my book after like... how long has it been? I'm afraid to look. 3 years maybe? IDK. I must've had writers block for six months just trying to rewrite the first day of magic class. I've been living with...
  13. sfoster

    series What series are you watching?

    I'm rewatching Brooklyn99, great vibes
  14. sfoster

    Impossible To Watch

    It's not lighter for me though. My oculus cv1 weighs 470g and your quest 3 weighs 515g. It's heavier. I find all of your arguments to be pretty strange honestly. You claim the 'VR is taking off' and I ask why? VR is taking off because you can spend 5-6k and then you can play the same games...
  15. sfoster

    series What series are you watching?

    I'm scraping really deep into the barrel, pretty good for an old tv show!
  16. sfoster

