Search results

  1. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries seeking music video entries

    Do you have a music video? Submit to the Indie Gathering International Film Festival for the music video competition. For one week only, we're offering a discount code of 20% off all music video entries, enter MUSICVID24 on FilmFreeway when you submit. This is the 29th annual Indie Gathering...
  2. sonnyboo

    event FREE LIVE WEBINAR - The Film Festival Experience

    FREE LIVE WEBINAR - The Film Festival Experience The Indie Film Gathering International Film Festival Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024 Time: 1:00pm EST 10:00am PST (California time) Location: Virtual via Zoom Registration: FREE for Members of
  3. sonnyboo

    directing showing emails on screen

    I'm looking for interesting ways to show emails on screen in a documentary. I can print them out and then do a shallow depth of field thing, focusing on the lines I want to emphasize, or I can shoot a computer screen - also shallow depth of field and maybe show pixels. Or I can animate the...
  4. sonnyboo

    event The 29th Annual Indie Gathering International Film Festival Also, this is a special 25% off for Indie Talk users DISCOUNT CODE on FilmFreeway - INDIETALK25 The Indie Gathering Film Festival is a unique and special experience, just being there and being a part of the fest is different than most.
  5. sonnyboo

    film-school Can going to film school make a aspiring filmmaker successful?

    Yes and no. Film School can create lifelong relationships that resonate for years. Film schools can make referrals to alumni that can help with landing jobs. Film School cannot create talent. No matter how great the school, the onus is still on you to apply for jobs, get work, create films...
  6. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

    I love me some John Mayer.... but it's Jon Meyer. LOL
  7. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

  8. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

    HAPPY CHRISTMAS, ONE AND ALL! a new short documentary about how an internet troll tried to stop a homeless shelter from giving homeless people jobs and putting them up, then threatened the director of the shelter and his children. It's a terrifying story about how the internet is a scary place.
  9. sonnyboo

    misc I thought DVDs were dead

    Everything is cyclical. Physical media will make a niche comeback. Especially when people will buy a digital copy and then they can't get to it via streaming.
  10. sonnyboo

    misc I thought DVDs were dead

    Walmart is still the only place selling discs like that. Best Buy only has a single cardboard shelf near the exit with brand new releases. The tough thing now is finding anyone under 25 with a DVD player or the slightest interest in owning physical media. They are in a minority and that trend...
  11. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

    And this story just keeps going on and on....
  12. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries What makes a cinematic experience so special?

    Today is the LAST DAY for Early Bird Submissions! Send us your screenplays, shorts, features, music videos, trailers, and join us for the 29th annual Indie Gathering International Film Festival!
  13. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

    And the craziness continues, this time I talk about the magic powers getting Emmy Nominations bestowed upon me
  14. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries What makes a cinematic experience so special?

    Would love to talk to them!
  15. sonnyboo

    call-for-entries What makes a cinematic experience so special?

    Thanks. I threw this in while doing some documentary work. I'm very passionate about the theatrical style experience and want to see it preserved. It's hurting at movie theaters these days. I run the film festival now and definitely want to increase the quality of the screenings.
  16. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

    As silly as my cyberstalker's antics can get at times, there is a serious underpinning to the story. He complains about being accused of being a mass murderer when the only person saying he could be is himself.
  17. sonnyboo

    Anatomy of a Troll

  18. sonnyboo

    film-school My Top 5 Books on Filmmaking

    My prize possession book is the paperback "Once Upon a Galaxy: The Making of the Empire Strikes Back" because that is so interesting. They talk about Carrie Fisher's drug addiction, Harrison Ford being a backstabby actor, and all kinds of fights between George Lucas and Gary Kurtz. It was so...