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  1. R

    vfx Add camera movement to a photo

    For AVID users, "Moving Picture" is an excellent program. See
  2. R

    Most popular sites for casting?

    I think that is UK?..... They have an actors section. We have recruited songwriters from them (for film end credits) with great success.
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    editing FPS and playback speed

    Let's say that you don't slow it down but you actually do a freeze frame. That freeze frame has its own time's own time code. If you play the freeze frame for 1 minute, the length of your playback is 1 minute, but the time stamp of your freeze frame stays the same.
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    distribution Alternatives to iTunes and Amazon Video Direct?

    Filmhub places the film for you. They submit your film to 3 or 4 companies which are most likely to accept your subject matter and technical quality..
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    distribution Alternatives to iTunes and Amazon Video Direct?

    Filmhub is fussy about quality, and wants the biggest file size you can send them. They will also require captions., and various sizes of artwork. (They will give you the specs). After you upload your film, you should hear from them in about a week. Your revenue from Filmhub will be based on...
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    vfx Add sunlight to video?

    You can add or subtract color, but you can't add or subtract shadows. The sunny day will have shadows and the cloudy days will be flat. So color grading is probably all that you can do, but it should look fine. Only you will know the difference.
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    indie Happy Labor Day Weekend! BBQ or Bizzy?

    Thank you for your concern. At the last minute the storm drifted east into the Atlantic. weakening the storm from a 4 to a 2. We had wind gusts of 45-60 MPH but didn't lose our electricity. Had we lost our electricity, there would be no air conditioning, which is a killer with our high...
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    indie Happy Labor Day Weekend! BBQ or Bizzy?

    We are in Florida....hurricane country.....we have one right now headed our way, Brevard County. ....Category 4, 150 MPH winds. Watch the news on Tuesday to see how we did.
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    legal Using licensed music in film

    FYI: A few years ago we wanted to use BORN TO BE WILD in a motorcycle documentary, and Warner Special Projects quoted us $15,000 plus 5 cents of every unit sold. We passed.
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    directing Directing crisis

    For my first feature, I purchased a used 16mm news camera which recorded audio directly onto the film. We shot for three weeks on a location which was miles from way to process the film on a daily basis. After the movie was shot and all of the sets were dismantled, we processed...
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    actors Rest in Peace Rutger Hauer & Rip Torn :/

    We just bought a case of old VHS movies at our local flea market, and one of the tapes is SPLIT SECOND, starring Rutger Hauer. That will be the first one that we pop into the player...
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    directing Directing crisis

    My wife and I have produced and directed a dozen low budget features. To cut to the chase, we see that you cannot rely on your main actors. They MUST show up when scheduled and on time, and they must be prepared to deliver their lines. YOU are the producer, and YOU are the boss...not them...
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    acting Acting and shooting scenes with just two people...

    As actors, you have enough to worry about...lines, costumes, makeup, action. You need a camera person to look for bad takes, things in the frame that shouldn't be there, remembering to turn the camera on and off, moving the tripod to a new angle, monitoring the memory cards, slating scenes...
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    distribution Physical Vs. Digital Home Video Release

    I agree that Amazon Prime is the way to go. You can get your film on Amazon Prime VOD (and sell DVDs on Amazon), all by yourself. You don't need an outside distributor to do this, and best of all IT'S FREE. Vimeo will cost you over $200 a year. As for distributors putting your DVDs into...
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    festivals Low Budget Feature Film Festivals

    I would suggest that you research festivals according to how many features they show compared to how many shorts they show. A festival that shows 50% features and 50% shorts would be better for you than one that shows 100 films, but only 2 of them are features. You can research this by going...
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    cinematography Sensor size vs. Color depth bit

    Another VERY important point: I shot news footage outdoors for many years, often in below zero weather. Remember that you will be operaqting the camera with gloves on. So you will want a camera that you don't have to fuss with very much. It is almost impossible to operate the camera's menu...
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    legal Usage of images of unknown photographers

    FYI, the copyright rules for photographs are not the same as for films. The copyright on a film of that vintage would have a lifespan of 28 years. The copyright on a film registered in 1969 would have expired in 1997, and the copyright would have to be renewed on or before 1997. If it was NOT...
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    editing How to resolve recurring white flash

    If you can't find the cause of the problem, I would suggest "hiding" the problem by placing a black mat around the edges of your finished film. (A black bar on the top, bottom, and sides). It doesn't need to be very wide...just wide enough to cover the flash.
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    distribution Alternatives to iTunes and Amazon Video Direct?

    We sent him an email asking if there is an "up front" fee for listing our film. He did not respond, so we assume that there is.