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  1. NickClapper

    editing Podcast audio help

    Thanks guys - all good points, albeit there doesn't seem an easy solution! By soft crating I meant that foam egg crating that seems to be used as a dampener on a lot of sound studios. I guess they might allow her to buy some of that or some sound blankets, I just don't think they'll replace the...
  2. NickClapper

    editing Podcast audio help

    Cheers sir, will pass along. In terms of getting rid of some of the roominess of the sound, is it worth investing in soft crating or similar? Or wrapping things in blankets? The recording space will never be dedicated to the task, so anything brought in would have to be portable, but I wondered...
  3. NickClapper

    editing Podcast audio help

    My girlfriend works for a current affairs magazine here in the UK, and one of her responsibilities there is to produce and edit their podcast. She's a journalist, not an audio person, so, understandably, she gets mixed results. The magazine don't want to spend very much money on the podcast, so...
  4. NickClapper

    Oh, HI Indietalk!

    Everyone goes through periods where they have more time to offer this site, and more time to get stuff from this site, and other patches where it doesn't even cross your mind. Since we're not formally contracted to appear here *cough Indietalk cough* then we can all take some time to do...
  5. NickClapper

    Community Project

    We've all been pretty chilled out :cool: I think that, so long as we have a finished product before the death of cinema, that'll be ok.
  6. NickClapper

    Han Solo origin film announced.

    Lord and Miller directing so a very exciting prospect. Should be fun.
  7. NickClapper

    archived-videos How to bake a cake for a racist

    Really well done, your attention to production design is always really good and this is no exception.
  8. NickClapper

    Web-series title sequence!

    Hey ho! I'm planning to shoot some more episodes of my web-series, The Magic Circle, pretty soon and I was hoping that I might get a new title sequence. Here's the title sequence as it currently is: As you can see, it's a bit rough and ready. I'm...
  9. NickClapper

    Would you lie to your fans?

    I don't for a moment think they'd bring him back just to satisfy the fans – but I do think we've been teased for 4 seasons now with the promise of the Lord of Light's magic and the power of King's Blood. And the series is called a Song of Fire and Ice! So, at some point, we're going to have to...
  10. NickClapper

    archived-videos Promo video I just finished

    Looks good Walter, although rather gender normative casting of the manager/secretary roles!
  11. NickClapper

    Would you lie to your fans?

    richy: They've left enough hints/clues that, if they are brought back to life, it wouldn't feel like a cop out. Also, in that series finale there were a number of other major characters whose fate is left uncertain – I won't name them to avoid spoiling it for you – but there are 7 who might be...
  12. NickClapper

    Would you lie to your fans?

    Resurrect King Joffrey! But I think I agree with m_h in so much as I'm not certain anyone really knows what's going on with Game of Thrones at the moment. The show has started to deviate considerably from the books and they are pretty much run out of new material to work with. Given that the...
  13. NickClapper

    Community Project

    Awesome, thanks guys. I think we're probably all in the same boat, especially now that this has been fermenting for over a year(!!). So I don't think urgency can be top of anyone's list of demands, but I do think it's really important that we finish it, given that we've all put in a lot of work...
  14. NickClapper

    Community Project

    That's all it was, just some establishing shots to sort-of verify that it was actually shot on location in New Zealand!
  15. NickClapper

    Community Project

    Sorry, completely missed your edit David. I understand where you're coming from, because when I look back on bits and pieces of work and think of missed opportunities or, worse, when I feel like a single moment or scene undermines a larger project, I feel like shit. But, of course, it's...
  16. NickClapper

    What are you working on?

    Reviving this thread for 2015! What are you all working on? Anything from vague ideas swirling in your head to $million films, let us know what you're planning. For myself, I am making very slow progress on a documentary project that's been knocking around for almost 2 years. I'm working...
  17. NickClapper

    BTS video from Surviving Family

    Hey Mara, any idea if/when it will be available on Amazon streaming in the UK?
  18. NickClapper

    Uwe Boll on Crowdfunding

    It's almost like he has 3 days left on this campaign and wants to get some press attention...
  19. NickClapper

    archived-videos Showreel Update..

    Looks good – I'd be tempted to shave it down by 20 seconds and avoid repeating clips from the same project, because it became apparent that there were only 4 or 5 different films showing when they started repeating. But perhaps that's not necessarily a bad thing. One thing I would say – I get...
  20. NickClapper

    for indie feature

    Hey there – Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I organise a collaborative meet-up group with directors, producers, writers, actors...etc in London. We meet every couple of months and have a pretty active mailing list. If you'd like, I'd be happy to circulate an email about your...