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  1. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    Can't let that productivity dip, here's Episode Three of Spads! I would reiterate that each episode is designed so that it can be watched as a standalone film (though watching all the episodes adds some context) so don't worry about dipping in here...
  2. NickClapper

    announcement Seeking Moderators

    Make CF and APE moderators and then we can watch their Mexican standoff as they toy with banning each other.
  3. NickClapper

    What's Stopping the Revolution?

    Web series are hard! EDIT: I posted this without noticing that several pages (and many controversies) had passed since CF mentioned web-series...
  4. NickClapper

    archived-videos Unstuck - Neo Noir

    It's so frustrating when you look back on a project and realise that you have to blame yourself for certain things. In a way, it's easier when you can say something like "that performance was terrible" or "the DP forgot to bring the correct lenses". I can't watch back The Flight of the Flamingo...
  5. NickClapper

    archived-videos Unstuck - Neo Noir

    It's a sort of trite sentiment that I wheel out occasionally when I watch a movie, but what I would say about Unstuck is that it's a failure, but it's the right sort of failure! Trying to do something different and ambitious, and not quite pulling it off, is nothing to be ashamed off; the worst...
  6. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    New week, new episode! I appreciate everyone who's taken the time to watch so far and hopefully you'll keep doing so. This episode is pretty different from Episode 1 (more indicative of the overall style) and is developing some of the important...
  7. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    Interesting observation about the text-safe area... we did play it back on a TV and didn't notice that, but I'll definitely double check the remaining episodes. That's the only episode which is simulating a news broadcast, so hopefully won't be such an issue in future! Yeah, it's a solid start...
  8. NickClapper

    Community Project

    No, I have it!!! Been super busy with other things this week, but will make sure I reply tomorrow. If I don't you have permission to libel me on this thread.
  9. NickClapper

    Community Project

    This is what happens when your Premiere membership runs out and you're on the fence about renewing! Feel free to email me to nick[@]
  10. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    The liberal metropolitan elite is real! John Pienaar's radio show was a bit random, to be honest they just emailed me asking if I was up for doing it. I know several people from university who now work at the New Statesman, including my girlfriend, so, yeah, you could say friends in high places...
  11. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    As part of promoting Spads, I wrote an article yesterday for the New Statesman, a British current affairs magazine, about political satire. Might be of interest to some of you! (Oh, and watch the episode, if you haven't already – thanks!!)
  12. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    My inclination, from what I can find on the internet, is that we're probably protected by fair use, so long as it's clearly satire. Ballot Monkeys, for example, used real parties and iconography. I suspect TTOI not naming parties was as much to do with the BBC's strict impartiality regulations...
  13. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    I'd hope the two aren't mutually exclusive! ;) I think it's really tricky to do political comedy in the UK because of The Thick of It – it's a classic and everything gets compared to it. I had someone message me the other day to say "The Thick of It is the benchmark" which is a bit like saying...
  14. NickClapper

    archived-videos Spads: My new web-comedy!

    Morning fine people of Indietalk! Today we've launched the first episode of my new web-series Spads. The show is a comedy about British politics in the run-up to an imagined 2020 General Election. Hopefully there'll be stuff to enjoy for the American folks here, but most of the gags are quite...
  15. NickClapper

    What is the best solution for a film website on a tight budget?

    I've gone with Squarespace for my latest project. At like $8 a month, it's essentially zero-cost and for a simple host/CMS it definitely looks the nicest. Very easy to use, very easy to integrate your domains, I'm pretty happy with it.
  16. NickClapper

    Hey, where's wheaty?

    He now makes VR video games!
  17. NickClapper

    Sound is 50% of the movie?!

    Out of curiosity, have any audio professionals made the successful transition to directing? I can think of examples for most other crew positions, but not sound (although I'm certain there must be some!).
  18. NickClapper

    How to gain support for your crowdfunding campaign ?

    To do list: 1) Cancel the project. 2) Consider what's a reason amount of money to solicit via crowdfunding (i.e. not $3m). 3) Take the time to film a proper pitch video. 4) Take the time to write a proper pitch. 5) Take the time to put together a comprehensive budget for the new, reasonable...
  19. NickClapper

    Let's Funk this place up!

    "Regular folk can't make bread." Discuss.
  20. NickClapper

    I'm gonna make a tiny-budget movie that will be seen by many. Any objectors?

    You'll make a great success of this, I love your enthusiasm, I know this will be wonderful!