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  1. NickClapper

    Establishing Shots podcast Mortifying!
  2. NickClapper

    Establishing Shots podcast

    Thank you! I've just published this week's episode, which is a conversation with the cast of the new Coen Brothers movie, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. I speak to Tim Blake Nelson and Harry Melling, and then Zoe Kazan and Bill Heck. Both the conversations are a bit mini but I loved asking Zoe...
  3. NickClapper

    archived-videos BMPCC No-Budget Feature Film

    Looks great! Best of luck with the distribution process :)
  4. NickClapper

    withoutabox is gone

    I would also add that a festival like Sundance probably constructs 95% of its features line-up through curation, rather than submission. It's a cash-cow undoubtedly, but lots of savvy filmmakers eschew the submissions process at Sundance because of the nature of the festival. The real money is...
  5. NickClapper

    withoutabox is gone

    Really a case of having two almost identical services – Withoutabox and Film Freeway – when only one was ever needed to cater to a relatively niche audience. For some time FF has been more user friendly and better at scrutinising festivals. No real surprise to me that Withoutabox are going...
  6. NickClapper

    Establishing Shots podcast

    Thanks Mara! Yeah, was delighted to get to speak to him (and get a decent block of time) given that I guess Won't You Be My Neighbor? is probably the current favourite in this year's Best Doc Oscar race, and a crazy box office success to boot. I'm trying to get a mix of indie filmmakers and more...
  7. NickClapper

    Establishing Shots podcast

    Just released a new episode where I'm speaking to Oscar-winning director Morgan Neville (20 Feet From Stardom, Best of Enemies, Won't You Be My Neighbor?). He was in London for a film festival screening of his latest, smash-hit documentary – Won't You Be My Neighbor? – so we sat down to discuss...
  8. NickClapper

    Establishing Shots podcast

    How do you get the Russo Brothers to exec produce your £25k indie film? On the latest episode of the Establishing Shots podcast, I spoke to Jay Alvarez, writer/director of Dizzy Pursuit, about how he got the Avengers directors involved in his film (along with Robert Downey Jr) and all the nuts...
  9. NickClapper

    Establishing Shots podcast

    Hi all! Been a while since I was posting regularly here, so apologies for the drive-by promotion (though I can assure you all that I do still frequently check-in and read through the boards). For those who don't know – which I imagine is almost all of you, how times have changed... – I've...
  10. NickClapper

    Is Final Draft so good like everyone tells?

    This, fundamentally. That said, there are small differences to CeltX and Final Draft that A) make Final Draft a more complete product, and B) allow script readers to discern which software was used. For no particularly good reason – although it is a good and intuitive product – Final Draft is...
  11. NickClapper

    I'm going to do it!

    I would say this: put the film on hold, you can come back to it at another time. You shouldn't be defining your goals for your physical well-being according to your own casting process. We can see from this thread how much pressure you've put on yourself, and I'm not sure that's good. Your...
  12. NickClapper

    Game Over – crowdfunding!

    Nope, this thread isn't heralding the death of crowdfunding. My friend Ben, who co-produced by web-series Spads, is raising money for his film Game Over. Which is set to start shooting pretty soon. They're only crowdfunding a portion of the budget, which means the figure should be perfectly...
  13. NickClapper

    Community Project

    CF: If you don't have the time/energy to do it, it would be great to get the material to Walter, so at least he can co-ordinate the next stage. It might be too much of a pain in the arse to send him all the raw material and project files, so, worse comes to worst, you could send him the highest...
  14. NickClapper

    Community Project

    Walter/CF: Have you guys sorted out the edit material? And who is going to tackle the next edit? Would be good to have a reworked draft by the end of the month :)
  15. NickClapper

    Can I ask for advice regarding my idea to move to the UK?

    The Article 50 letter pointedly didn't set a cut off date for protecting the rights of EU nationals entering the UK. My advice to you would be to not leave it too long, because a cut-off date will be established as part of the exit negotiations. Bearing in mind that Brexit will take a minimum...
  16. NickClapper

    Community Project

    Spoke to Tom (jooble) about the UFO footage. Bad news: he thinks he deleted the original files in a clear out, but is going to double check on some hard drives. In the meantime the footage is available in his showreel here: Because it's supposed to be low quality...
  17. NickClapper

    Community Project

    Yes! We must put something together – I just had a watch back and there's so much nice stuff. Are we missing the UFO stuff? I'll email Tom who did the VFX if we need to get that off him.
  18. NickClapper

    Self Distribution - DVD Packaging

    I know this isn't quite what the discussion is about (!) but I still like to have my favourite box-sets and movies on DVD/Blu-Ray, just in case I have issues with the internet. I live in one of the biggest cities in the world and yet, almost every week, I have periods where I can get Netflix to...
  19. NickClapper

    Which Camera Should I Buy?

    I'd be tempted to get a GoPro if I were you. A lot of vloggers use them and you already, if I remember rightly, have a Zoom H4N to record sound. And, unlike a lot of the other classic vlogging cameras – thing like Canon G7X – it has a utility outside vlogging, and might help with some of your...
  20. NickClapper

    First feature pitfalls 101

    Have someone doing your paperwork as you go along – get as many of the releases done in advance – and keep record and receipts of every penny that you spend. I also recommend having someone assigned to coming up with contingency plans for the standard indie film problems – actors/locations...