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  1. F


    True. But with a movie like this, even if you don't like Wilson's character, you need to be on board with his journey. Not saying this is a hard fast rule for all of story-telling! I love Rainn Wilson and I like seeing him doing stuff outside of The Office, but I found his character so flat and...
  2. F

    Emma Watson

    HAH! So glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that...
  3. F

    Emma Watson

    Brilliant. :lol: This thread has made my night.
  4. F


    I actually saw it through my cable provider. They had it playing at the local arthouse, but only for about a week...
  5. F

    boom mic

    I have a saved e-mail in my G-mail account of equipment and interesting tidbits Alcove has posted that I'm adding to all the time. My secret audio tome. :X
  6. F


    I doubt it. Defendor did alright last year. Super was pretty bad. There's a fine line between gratuitous violence to make a point and gratuitious violence just for the sake of having it. It also helps to have likeable characters which Super did not. Rape scenes aren't going to help your case...
  7. F

    What was the last film you actually paid to see in theater and enjoyed?

    I see about a movie a week in theaters. I try very hard to see the $6 matinees, but every so often pay the $11 nighttime ticket. The mediocre and bad films far outweigh the good, but I still appreciate the experience of going to the theater. The Good: Rango, Blue Valentine, True Grit, The...
  8. F

    is film school worth it?

    YES!! I'm sure very few people have heard of Drexel University's film program, but I loved my time there. Being a very tech-oriented university, students are taught how to use equipment from the first day. Sure, there's the film theory classes you can take as electives, but it's all about...
  9. F

    What was filmed near you?

    Technically I live in south Jersey... which apparently hosted "Jersey Girl". Who knew? ;) Philly is the poor man's NY as seen in "Limitless" and "How Do You Know" ... eh, we'll take it. LOL!
  10. F

    Do you guys have a second job?

    Actually, one of my biggest regrets, post college is that I didn't do this. I'd be more willing to do industrials and stuff if I had a better knowledge of management/business etc...
  11. F

    The Future of Film

    I've watched all the mom-and-pop video rentals in my neighborhood disappear and it's definitely disappointing... a part of my childhood--gone!! But here's a thought. I just watched the trailer for Spike Jonze's short "Scenes from the Suburbs" and was totally stoked until the words "coming soon...
  12. F

    Stepping up

  13. F

    Do you guys have a second job?

    Yikes, this is a depressing thread! I've noticed (rather grumpily) that all my friends working in either G&E or editing/post production seem to get work almost regularly. Not as much so with my friends working in audio or writing (although I guess writing shouldn't be that surprising). Of...
  14. F

    Hey, guys!

    I'm totally in love with this forum already and it's only been a few weeks. I graduated from film school a couple years ago with the intent of getting into production and post sound but, surprise surprise, was having trouble financially supporting myself (too many indies with the $25/day...