Recent content by Zickzackduck

  1. Zickzackduck

    watch Die Hard prank recorded in public with a hidden camera

    Ahh, I haven't seen that film but I have heard of it and it sounds really bizarre.
  2. Zickzackduck

    watch Die Hard prank recorded in public with a hidden camera

    Yeah I agree it was too tame wasn't it? Don't worry tho the next one will hopefully ruin everyone in Cambridge's weekened, I've got a bat costume and a very specially crafted cardboard bat SOMETHING in my garage. Hopefully we'll have it up sometime next week.
  3. Zickzackduck

    watch Die Hard prank recorded in public with a hidden camera

    I got up and just said "sorry!" then we all stood in the lift in an awkward silence lol. What film reference is this?
  4. Zickzackduck

    watch Die Hard prank recorded in public with a hidden camera

    Hi, I just made this prank video about Die Hard: Link if the above video's not loading: Please, tell me what you think.
  5. Zickzackduck

    watch Video of Forrest Gump reenacted in public

    Hi, I made another one of these! Please, tell me what you think of this one: (If video isn't loading use this:)
  6. Zickzackduck

    watch The Shining reenacted in public

    I'll try, do you get the internet in prison?
  7. Zickzackduck

    watch 1.21 gigawatts! Back to the future recreated in public

    But not so surprising when you find out the student studied at Anglia Ruskin university, rather than the slightly more renowned place in the local area
  8. Zickzackduck

    watch The Shining reenacted in public

    good idea, thanks mate
  9. Zickzackduck

    watch 1.21 gigawatts! Back to the future recreated in public

    Very true my cameraman was feeling a bit shy being associated with some insane loonatic so didnt hang around too long for reaction shots, next time tho.
  10. Zickzackduck

    watch The Shining reenacted in public

    just uploaded a youtube video of me reenacting a scene from The Shining in public locations to bemuse street dwellers and hopefully, amuse people. Please, tell me what you think! ------ Also, if you like, I very recently posted a very similar video...
  11. Zickzackduck

    watch 1.21 gigawatts! Back to the future recreated in public

    Hello, I just made this hidden camera video parodying Doc Brown's 'jiggawatts' scene: Please, tell me what you think!
  12. Zickzackduck

    watch Tell me what you think of my short X-Men First Class parody.

    Hello, I have just completed a very short X-Men: First Class parody: Please, tell me what you think! Thanks, Rob.
  13. Zickzackduck

    What clip on microphones should I buy?

    What's the closest I could do?
  14. Zickzackduck

    What clip on microphones should I buy?

    Thanks for the terminology. We'll be using the mics for a hidden camera project. That means we don't want the microphones to be too visible, but we also want to pick up what any member of the public might say, so the audience can see and hear everything that's happening. This also means we'll be...
  15. Zickzackduck

    What clip on microphones should I buy?

    I want to buy some good quality clip-on microphones for the purpose of film-making, does anyone have any experience with them, or what to look for in a set?