Recent content by WeightOnWheels

  1. WeightOnWheels

    The Last Intervention in NYC

    Join us as we screen "The Last Intervention" at the 2015 Dominican Film Festival. Q&A with Giovanny Blanco (Director) and Rafael Blanco (Producer) with several cast and crew members present. The Armory Foundation 216 Fort Washington Ave Hall of Fame Theater New York, NY 10032 Sunday, June...
  2. WeightOnWheels

    the best *play* you've ever read

    My favorite. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  3. WeightOnWheels

    I demand more than short movie award funtion ,i.e., T.V screening short movies

    Wow. You are an interesting cat. I'd like to be a fly in your cranium. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  4. WeightOnWheels

    I demand more than short movie award funtion ,i.e., T.V screening short movies

    I guess I should have said, the only thing I agree with is that shorts should have a greater space in the TV world. It's really the only thing I got out of it. Raf
  5. WeightOnWheels

    I'm going to do it!

    Can't wait and good luck! Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  6. WeightOnWheels

    Finer Points on My Screenply.

    Agreed! I know this for a fact, not from personal experience but from close family members. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  7. WeightOnWheels

    Screenplay Contest Scams And Lack Of Professionalism Just a few...
  8. WeightOnWheels

    I demand more than short movie award funtion ,i.e., T.V screening short movies

    Agreed. Wish there were. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  9. WeightOnWheels

    looking for props

    That's why you start by writing/directing around things that you DO have. This may not always be practical but it's a good place to start. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  10. WeightOnWheels

    archived-videos Music Video: Sylvia 'Wolvey, Ansty'

    I know very well about that. No time, no money. You have be creative with what you have, so I applaud :clap: you on that. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  11. WeightOnWheels

    New to the forum

    It does. Maybe you should make the reel as Director/Cinematographer, it would definitely create greater interest in your talent. Good job once again. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  12. WeightOnWheels

    I demand more than short movie award funtion ,i.e., T.V screening short movies

    In a way, I do agree with some aspects of this post (if I understand anything about this post). There should be a greater market for shorts in mainstream television. I know some cable companies do offer a channel dedicated to shorts, it still seems their should be more of a market. I'm sure...
  13. WeightOnWheels

    archived-videos Short Film - Live action integrated into a 3D world

    I really enjoyed this and I do want to see more. I do agree with the cut to black comment above. I don't mind the cut to black I just think it could have been a shorter cut. (not that much black) Anyway you go with it, short or web series. I'd like to check it out. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael...
  14. WeightOnWheels

    archived-videos Music Video: Sylvia 'Wolvey, Ansty'

    I really liked this video, simple concept but very well executed. Cheers! :cheers: Rafael Blanco CineBodega Film Festival The Last Intervention Watch Cornelius for free!
  15. WeightOnWheels

    New to the forum

    Great reel. IMHO, not to take anything away from your reel but I feel like it's difficult to gauge a directors expertise from a reel. The reels tend to be more about the cinematographer and actors than anything else. For me to gauge a director I have to see a couple their works from start to...