Recent content by VitriolMotion

  1. V

    watch Stop Motion - Clay Animation, 2nd attempt!

    Thanks for watching/noticing improvement! Definately encouraging. I can't analyze this attempt personally, because it pains me to watch it. Though Cinematography is something I need to pay more attention to next time. @Graeme, I'd love to hear more about your upcoming project. Really enjoying...
  2. V

    watch Stop Motion - Clay Animation, 2nd attempt!

    Hi again!! Some of you may have seen me post a short clip of 'Claymation' when I first begun to develop interest in this style of Animation.. (Here it is) It's been about 6 Months and I recently finished a 2nd attempt at it, in the form of an 'August Burns Red - Marianas Trench' Make your own...
  3. V

    watch My First Stop Motion - Clay Animation

    Thanks for the continual feedback. I'm currently nearing completion of my 2nd Stop-Motion Animation. Which is already a vast improvement on my first. I'll have it fully edited by a couple of weeks time, still need to take a few more photos. (Have about 2,000+ so far, so it's already 10x...
  4. V

    watch My First Stop Motion - Clay Animation

    Well that was my first, so i don't have anymore finished yet. But i have begun building the set for my next Project, which will be allot longer and hopefully show improvement.
  5. V


    Do you have your Stop-Motion uploaded somewhere, where i would be able to see it? Always enjoy seeing others' works. Thanks for the suggestion, i have indeed seen Alice. That rabbit isn't easily forgotten. Cheers for the welcomes.
  6. V

    watch My First Stop Motion - Clay Animation

    I appreciate your honest feedback. I felt i didn't want to spend so much time to make a longer clip, at my current skill level (or lack of). Making a shorter one then getting feedback to then spend time on a longer one, keeping peoples feedback in mind, made more sense to me. Maybe this...
  7. V

    watch My First Stop Motion - Clay Animation

    Hey there, I’m new to these Forums and Stop Motion in general. Here to get some of your opinions, on a small test. Basically i recently developed an interest in Stop Motion Animation, so i thought i’d try my hand at a Clay Animation. It’s very short, being my first attempt i was mainly trying...
  8. V


    Hi all, Great site. I'm from Australia. I very recently became interested in the art of Stop Motion Animation. Thought i'd sign up to get some tips and learn more about film techniques in general. Cheers.