Spike's activity

  • Spike
    Spike reacted to CelticRambler's post in the thread critique Scene for review. with Like Like.
    You should definitely treat yourself to at least one edition of our festival in July and enjoy watching those threads being woven...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread critique Leopold Augustus Bach.
    I don't mean to go on and on (although I must, since I keep doing it) but re-reading above thread i do want to correct one thing. I...
    • IMG_9925.jpeg
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread critique Scene for review..
    Yup. There are, I think, a lot of threads to look at in European music through the years--from Ancient to Mideival, to Renaissance, to...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread Most useful book.
    Im not sure if useful is the right word, but I'm thinking of a few of the books, around mid high-school age, that turned me on to the...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread critique Scene for review..
    And now for something completely different. Actually, Ms. Heiderich above, at around 2:00, made me think of this, esp. when it starts...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread critique Scene for review..
    And now, with the Kellerheims, brothers and sisters. I love them all :) Edit (and, I've watched Das Duo above about seven times...
  • Spike
    Spike reacted to CelticRambler's post in the thread critique Scene for review. with Like Like.
    From the other thread: The baroque period (IMO) marked the end of that "hey, get this" phase of what became classical music. Up until...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread Most useful book.
    Yup, very cool, s. I should have kept mouth shut, but the DL is kind of a hero, for me, and I don't have very many. :)
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread Most useful book.
    Don't want to start a thing, here, but the "why issue an apology" thing is pretty easy to understand, and doesn't imply anything. And...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread Most useful book.
    And . . . I like the joke, but feel i have to defend the Dalai Lama, the only "spiritual" leader I can think of who is, I'm pretty sure...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread Most useful book.
    Yup. Fun stuff. Maybe I'll try for the pi record, now around 100K digits.
  • Spike
    Spike reacted to CelticRambler's post in the thread critique Scene for review. with Love Love.
    Is it swing you want? Well ... howzabout this? 😁 (fair warning: the first minute-and-a-half is just a bit of silliness) I've had a...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread Most useful book.
    Cool. Yes, how to get stuff from other people is a useful skill. But, I think, there are other useful skills as well, like...
  • Spike
    I agree with you on this. Accidental Art in 2009 was my first step into a more professional level of filmmaking. It is a marked...
  • Spike
    Spike replied to the thread critique Leopold Augustus Bach.
    And . . . I know there's some debate here, but i think I can call (at least some) baroque music "early music" (it's certainly not...