Recent content by sfoster

  1. sfoster

    Most useful book

    I appreciate getting to the truth on matters. I don't want to misrepresent someone else!
  2. sfoster

    Most useful book

    If it's such a ~"mainstream and normal" thing to say in their culture... why issue an apology for it? This article seems very questionable - they fixate on the language aspect - which would be totally believable if he didn't stick his tongue out. When your tongue's actions line up with your...
  3. sfoster

    Most useful book

    So the first thing to note is that there are memory championship competitions, so this stuff is studied, qualified and quantified. The most common way to remember stuff is the Method of Loci aka Memory palace. What you're talking about is the 2nd most common called the Major system. There's...
  4. sfoster

    Most useful book

    Do I have to meet him? :scared: Is he gonna ask me to suck his tongue
  5. sfoster

    I'm Dave Kirtland, a 26-year indie filmmaker and 17-year military veteran

    Welcome to IT. Sounds like a sweet gig!
  6. sfoster

    Most useful book

    The most useful book I've ever read was Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people." Implementing the techniques in this book many years ago, I talked my way into a FREE transmission repair at Aamco. Those...
  7. sfoster

    website The industry is changing.

    The industry is changed... I feel it in the writing I feel it in the vfx I smell it in the movie theatre
  8. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

  9. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    So you're saying that they were lying on twitter, and I'm honing in on what they said, but it's actually a different reason they replaced him. If that's true - it makes it even worse - that they would lie about his lack of talent, and throw him under the bus instead of telling the truth? It's...
  10. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    Thats true but they usually don't slam the person by saying the fired them because they weren't talented enough
  11. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    What about when the actor ISN'T replaced.. but nobody recognizes them cause they lost weight and grew a mustache 😅
  12. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    This is the reason I'm finally seeing commercials after a decade - It's the only place that I can stream the Drew Carey show and they don't offer a commercial-free streaming plan Stream DREW CAREY free on pluto Apparently this has something to do with all the music used in drew carey...
  13. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    He did a great job in this one. His look at the end had me laughing. 😅 Thanks for taking the time to link it.
  14. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    'Uh... khakis' ***is*** a scripted line with comedic delivery. I really have no idea what you're talking about, honestly, beause I almost never see commercials Only saw new jake once - Please can you link this awesome funny comedic delivery of new jake you're talking about? I love funny...
  15. sfoster

    actors Jake from State Farm

    Okay show me one of these oscar worthy performances in the new challenging commercials.