Recent content by Orchard

  1. Orchard

    Kind of a different request...

    Yes! That is exactly it. I was tinkering around with anywhere between 3-5 images at a time, although I'm really just experimenting. To degrade the stills I converted them to a bmp file (with a limited coloring palette) then pasted one over another (when pasting I'd exclude certain colors so...
  2. Orchard

    Kind of a different request...

    So I am sort of interested in overlapping different videos like I have done with images here: I'd like a program that can allow me to do that. I'd prefer it even more if it lowered the quality as well (as we see in those images). I'm not sure if it can be...
  3. Orchard


    ;) Also thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
  4. Orchard


    Hello everyone, I'm Kjody, I'm from the US (Michigan to be more specific) and I'm just starting to get into cinematography. My favorite director is Andrei Tarkovsky, I enjoy the beauty of his films. I'm also really into music which is p cool I suppose. So yeah, sup everyone?