Recent content by negitivecreep

  1. N

    screen writer

    "That is the #1 mistake, getting bogged down rewriting a scene over and over. Write the whole script, don't even reread what you just wrote, just forge ahead, THEN come back" those are words to live by right there...also i usually just write my script as a book for the first few drafts its just...
  2. N

    archived-videos Trailler for: The Feel Good Revolution

    hey whats up this sounds like it will be a great movie i like the idea great name too get me on msn or something
  3. N

    adobe premiere help

    i am new to premiere and it is tough to learn either that or my copy is horriable its a real copy i just bought it from a friend
  4. N

    adobe premiere help

    thanks alot
  5. N

    adobe premiere help

    no i bought mine from a friend who doesnt use it anymore
  6. N

    adobe premiere help

    i just got adobe premeire 6.5 and i have no idea how to use it at all if anybody has a manual or knows were to get one it would be really apprecitative(sp) or any help email me if you can help
  7. N

    favorite New 10 favorite movies

    in no particluar order natural born killers taxi driver rear window the mighty duuck triliogy pulp fictiion cursed the skulls the truman show all of m. night shaymalan movies back door slut 9
  8. N


    sleeping is overrated
  9. N

    10 films u enjoi

    in no certain order pulp fiction resivior dogs rear window vertigo citizen kane american graffiti sixth sence dumb and dumber ET the skulls
  10. N

    anyone from michigan

    hell ya man that would be really cool what is yer project about?
  11. N

    how do yall write your scripts

    i mean like the structre and they way you write it
  12. N

    how do yall write your scripts

    i was just wondering how everyone wrote there scripts
  13. N

    Just Saw A Good Movie

    hey whats up i kinda thought that slc punk was kinda slow but it was a good but i think the curve was one of his best
  14. N

    Straight Plan For the Gay Man: Your Thoughts...

    unless those are the only good shows on that channel and all the other ones suck
  15. N

    favorite favorite actor/actress

    who is everyones favorite actor or actress? mine would have to be joshua jackson from the skulls or dawsons creek i think he can tell any part well