Recent content by moonshieldmedia

  1. moonshieldmedia

    Treehouse Festival - Los Angeles

  2. moonshieldmedia

    Treehouse Festival - Los Angeles

    Hey everyone! I haven't been as active in the IT community lately, but last year I got the opportunity to help found a new film, music, and arts festival in Los Angeles. It was very successful, so I'm back again this year as head film programmer. Take a look and let...
  3. moonshieldmedia

    cinematography How do I get this color grading?

    Make the blacks darker, make the temperature warmer. Notice how there is no detail in the blacks, and how there is not true white in the image. It's all been turned yellow and orange. Either that or it wasn't properly white balanced when shot.
  4. moonshieldmedia

    archived-videos Finally released my first short film, "Petro"

    Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think!
  5. moonshieldmedia

    archived-videos My first short film "Stained"

    What an amazing concept for a short. Loved it. Nice work. My only critique would be some weird editing choices that were a little jarring.
  6. moonshieldmedia

    First feature pitfalls 101

    Make sure you have a super detailed and organized wardrobe list, or a person dedicated to keeping track of outfits. This is especially important if you shoot out of sequence and have a lot of costume changes. Imagine getting into the editing room and realizing your character wore the wrong...
  7. moonshieldmedia

    Why do they say "Start making short films"

    As a counter-point to what's been said in this thread... I actually chose to make a feature first without ever doing a short. I don't recommend that everyone should do this, but I felt confident enough in my artistic sensibilities, and decided that if I could surround myself with talented...
  8. moonshieldmedia

    Any VFX artists free right now?

    I have a sci-fi short that has 2 quick scenes needing VFX. I can pay your day rate, please email your reels to Thanks!
  9. moonshieldmedia

    color-grading What's so great looking about the S curve in color grading?

    The S-curve you are talking about, when done correctly, "restores" the proper levels of the image. Generally most digital camera's we use today, as Jax was talking about, shoot a flatter image to capture maximum dynamic range. So when you get back into the color correcting phase in post, you...
  10. moonshieldmedia

    music Favorite Active Film Composers?

    I stand by James Newton Howard. He's the most talented underrated composer. He's done amazing work on some of the biggest movies you've seen yet nobody ever brings his name up!
  11. moonshieldmedia

    Kickstarter for my friend's feature: Shadow of a Gun

    Nice! We appreciate the support!
  12. moonshieldmedia

    Kickstarter for my friend's feature: Shadow of a Gun

    Micah Van Hove (writer for and the guy who does all the cinematography for MY films) is making his own feature and it's about Guns. One day Micah came home and found his roommate building a gun in their garage and was immediately fascinated by his roommate's hobby. Eventually...
  13. moonshieldmedia

    Is IT dead?

    To be honest, I spend a lot more time on Reddit nowadays because the information is more immediate. I know we're supposed to have a new platform coming, and I hope it's great, but has the site creator considered just starting an indietalk subreddit?
  14. moonshieldmedia

    Summer Glau thread.

    I just finished re-watching every season of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly and I've been looking for a place to unload my thoughts and it looks like a few people in this thread were talking about whether or not they liked Firefly, so... When I first watched Firefly back in like 2005 I loved it. But...
  15. moonshieldmedia

    How is this Logline?

    I don't think this is true. Loglines are designed to be the shortest and most effective expression of what the film is about, to anybody reading it. Why would it be different whether a filmmaker were reading it, or a potential audience member? Your pitch to a studio should make them want to...