Recent content by Lee Rudnicki

  1. Lee Rudnicki

    campaign My Immortal: The Vampires of Berlin

    This is the story I plan to turn into a streaming series, and perhaps an animated film -- it's a chaotic vampire tale set in Berlin on the last day of World War 2, wrapped inside a modern day CIA-espionage thriller. If you're interested in checking it out, it was just released on Amazon, here's...
  2. Lee Rudnicki

    blog Contracts 101 - How to avoid worthless "net profits"

    Ahhhh.... I didn't realize you were from the UK. I have a few UK clients, and interestingly enough -- that is one of the few places I have seen deals like the one you describe. USA investors are greedier. :)
  3. Lee Rudnicki

    blog Contracts 101 - How to avoid worthless "net profits"

    I understand. If you can get investors to agree to this, that's fantastic, good for you. Hollywood would be a better place if all deals were like this. You also have to account for SAG residuals etc, but keeping it simple -- instead of the investor getting $100K, they get $99K, the director...
  4. Lee Rudnicki

    blog Contracts 101 - How to avoid worthless "net profits"

    Great input! Hollywood would certainly be a better place with this type of arrangement, I've done a few deals like this, more or less. The problem is that most of the time, if not 99% of the time - professional financiers will not agree to provide gross profits to anyone, they want to recoup...
  5. Lee Rudnicki

    blog Contracts 101 - How to avoid worthless "net profits"

    Ciao everybody! Today's discussion is about "net profits" as they exist in the world of indie film. Depending on your contract, net profits can be your best friend ... or your worst enemy, which will haunt you forever. For our hypothetical discussion, let's assume you just graduated from film...
  6. Lee Rudnicki

    blog A Simple Guide to Financing an indie film with Private Equity

    And THAT is the game. I can not tell you how to get equity investors, the answer is different for every person, and every situation. But I can tell you how "not" to get equity investors, how to fail -- desperation. Investors run away from desperate filmmakers, 100% of the time. Financiers...
  7. Lee Rudnicki

    blog A Simple Guide to Financing an indie film with Private Equity

    Hi James - The problem with selling a film in the $20-50K range is that -- barring a huge festival win -- a sales agent or distributor is likely going to value your film based upon on the name actor(s) in the film. And if you've made a film for less than $50K, you probably don't have any actors...
  8. Lee Rudnicki

    blog A Simple Guide to Financing an indie film with Private Equity

    Wow, there's a lot here, some great thoughts. Not sure I can address them all, so l will just speak about legal counsel. As I said in my article, it is a mistake to proceed into film production without well-drafted contracts, for many reasons. But, you shouldn't assume that every lawyer will...
  9. Lee Rudnicki

    series What series are you watching?

    I'm watching Suburra: Blood on Rome, which is an Italian series on Netflix. It's an awesome story, a dynamite cast. The online description: "A fight over land in a seaside town near Rome spirals into a deadly battle between organized crime, corrupt politicians and the Vatican."
  10. Lee Rudnicki

    review All Quiet on the Western Front ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    The new remake of All Quiet on the Western Front (currently on Netflix) is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's not easy to watch, it's very intense -- but it takes you on an emotional journey from a nice day at school .... right into an awful war. And, just like a world war, when...
  11. Lee Rudnicki

    Ciao everybody

    Thank you everyone! I'm happy to be here.
  12. Lee Rudnicki

    Ciao everybody

    Thank you! I did write a novel, My Immortal: The Vampires of Berlin ... thanks for noticing, that's awesome to hear you're on that same journey. When all was said and done, writing a novel took me 20x as long as I thought it would, and a research trip to Berlin to get the historical parts...