Recent content by GhostDaddy

  1. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    I do say this to anyone chasing down shooting stars and trying to catch a dream. You can grab it. There is nothing you can't do if you stand up and fight. There is no one way to get to a dream. But there is a way. Somtimes you have to go down roads you never thought you would and even ones that...
  2. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    Kosh just made me so happy I signed up with this sight. Thanks for the kind words and positivity. I will 100% keep everyone posted. I didn't come on here to brag about it. I just had to spend so many obsesive hours re-writing the script then non-stop no sleep compulsion in preparing materials to...
  3. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    Thanks. I just feel like I should be doing something. Thats part of the issue. I can't make moves or really tell people I would like to come on board until it's in hand. Been burnt before. So not doing that again. But thanks I think I needed to hear that. I was a TV star. Just a guy right now...
  4. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    To Brooksy: I'm not fishing. I'm a TV star I just stepped away from L.A. for a couple years because my father got sick. But I found myself and God opened a door for me with my film. I figured out how to get money from investors. Not fishing, it's just my first feature. I've done reality T.V...
  5. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    To Gelder: Got dream cast list. Planned on doing location scouting. I'll go ahead and start. I'm delegating and doing a lot. As much as I can put back into what audiences take in sitting in their seats is what I want to do. Thanks for your advice.
  6. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    Thanks chilipie. I'm just staying cool for now. I just want advice God willing everything works out fine.
  7. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    To GuerrillaAngel : My film is getting funded. I have no access to funds for pre-production yet. I want to move forward and get things ready and going. But I don't know what steps to take or what I should already be getting ready. I understand what I need to do once I have money to use in hand...
  8. G

    My feature film got greenlit for $5 million by an investment firm. What do I do now?

    A private investment firm greenlit my feature film script that I will be directing, producing and acting in. The project has a 5 million dollar budget. My lawyer is finishing up negotiations with the firm now. The funds aren't available yet but they will be in around 45 days. What do I do now? I...