Recent content by Editinglinks

  1. E

    Can't use Color with Neoscene?

    You can't yet use the Cineform codec with the Apple's Color grading package. They designed a proprietary MOV. DPX is used for DI and VFXs and I guess should do the work. It's a 10 bit RGB format while Cineform allows the user to select 12 bit RGB (this allow to keep the full color range of R3D...
  2. E

    In filming, what are you good at?

    More experience in editing and post. Knightly, do you like Blender so far?
  3. E

    Computer screen image

    You can do both ways. There are multiple software designed to capture screen (such as Fraps for windows - You also can shoot the screen with a camera, but for great results you need to adjust the shutter speed to the refresh rate of the monitor. Note that monitors may...
  4. E

    Film Software and Technologies

    Welcome. You may approach your development ideas from two angles: technical and creative. For the first one read communities, identify tech or workflow problems, research for any solution already available and then develop your own stuff. Aesthetically, or in the creative side, think of some...
  5. E

    Final Cut Studio 3 or Creative Suite 4 Production Premium

    Agree 100% with knightly. FCP Studio gives you access to Color, a powerful color grading application. If you are starting, and need basic motion graphics Apple Motion will help. FCP is easy to learn, there are many plugins and comes with DVD Pro and Compressor (useful for your web/dvd output)...
  6. E

    720 vs 1080

    720p should be fine for now. Most broadcast television is going 720p/1080i.