Recent content by cswagner3

  1. C

    Please Review: Horror Film Script - IN PROGRESS

    Thank you for all of the great advice! You really opened my eyes to all of the possibilities available to me when structuring in 6 acts. I have read a few screenplays, but now I think I'll read them more often. I guess if he killed Will's father it would make far more sense, because then he...
  2. C

    Getting actors?
  3. C

    Please Review: Horror Film Script - IN PROGRESS

    I think I also forgot to mention that we are both under 16, so we're still trying to figure the writing process out a bit Page 7 is also just where it picks up. I do agree that the beginning was irrelevant. I'll try improving that.
  4. C

    Please Review: Horror Film Script - IN PROGRESS

    This is a script that I'm working on, and I'm just wondering what the opinion was from this community before I start production. Thanks.