Recent content by brokeandbroken

  1. B

    F55 doesn't do 120 hfr in 4k raw?

    This is the reason I was dreaming about the F55 having 4k hfr. That ultra hfr on the Phantoms really is a niche function, I can't imagine I'll ever need that high of a frame rate. There's a slo-mo scene in The Hurt Locker that comes to mind, where an explosion shakes the dirt on the ground...
  2. B

    F55 doesn't do 120 hfr in 4k raw?

    I'm with you on 4 seconds not being much... but I imagined that the short 4 sec burst specifically had to do with the fs700, like the write speed being limited by the fs700's hardware and not by the r5 recorder (I'm just speculating, I don't know if that's true). Since the F55 does 4k...
  3. B

    F55 doesn't do 120 hfr in 4k raw?

    I wrote that the F55 costs almost four times more... but I didn't include the cost of the fs700 interface unit, etc... so after adding up all the accessories for the fs700, I think the F55 will be about two times more (including the r5 recorder).
  4. B

    F55 doesn't do 120 hfr in 4k raw?

    I was just doing some fantasy reading and I can't seem to find any literature saying that the F55 does 120fps in 4k raw. I know it can do up to 240 in 2k raw, but only up to 60 in 4k raw? If that's true, it's so strange that the fs700 can do 120 in 4k raw even though the F55 costs almost four...
  5. B

    Zeiss CP.2 are sorely overpriced...

    Just wanted to rant about the, imo, robber-baron'esque overpriced Zeiss CP.2 lenses. I'm so new to cine equipment, so I've been reading up a little on lenses... and discovered that the Zeiss CP.2 lenses are just Zeiss ZE lenses that have been repackaged as "cine" lenses. The positives that...
  6. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    GuerillaAngel, that's definitely a plus. Anything that's going to save me a dime or more, I want it to show up bright and shiny on my radar, so thanks. Although I'm curious to see what happens at minimum lux. I'm always skeptical about the bookends of performance stats, b/c it always seems to...
  7. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    rayw, I know the manufacturers are making a pretty penny fleecing dreamers, but to see projects get finished with prosumer equipment is pretty awesome. So tired, so very very tired of the hollywood gimmick-movies... even if they're commercially successful... no substance, vapid content... and...
  8. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    Hey ZenSteve, sorry I kind of shrugged off your Canon C100 suggestion. I thought that was the product-line one tier down, the XF... But yeah, that C100 seems like a nice camera too... but still, to my green perspective, it has some nicer features than the Z7, like 1920.1080 is sexy, the Super35...
  9. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    There are some nice features the JVC GY-HM650 has, PLUS your endorsement as a professional, but to my green perspective, I can't discern too much of a difference; which seems correlated in the slightly more expensive price. The main thing that caught my eye was that FANTASTIC lens! That alone...
  10. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    Whoa! You shoot for Amazing Race?! How cool is that! Hm... about the NEX FS700 post, that was before I read your suggestion, let me Google it. BRB.
  11. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    Hey Zensteve, thanks for the input. So, I've done a lot of reading... but there's an inordinate amount of reading out there... and every day I realize how green I am to this, sometimes the next article I pick up is entirely new info (but that's happening less frequently now). So please tell me...
  12. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    Thanks Sonnyboo and Directorik for your responses. Directorik, that gives me some peace of mind. Things like shallow DOF, camera movements, etc... I think all those techniques are awesome, and mean you know the craft, and most importantly they add dimension to the content... but it's not...
  13. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    Hmm... Deep down inside, the answer I was hoping to hear was, "It's a fantastic camera, I don't know why it only cost 5k, Woody Allen uses it." But yeah, I'm a realist and was expecting there'd be compromises with this camera. What you said about the reality shows and videography, that's half...
  14. B

    Is the Sony Z7U worth the money?

    I'm new, I searched through some posts, seems like most users here are like me, or not far from my position... which is just figuring out how to put something together on a small scale... others seem to have some measure of victory... and others seem to have a strong knowledgebase... So I think...