Recent content by AnthemRoad

  1. AnthemRoad

    Editing help?

    Mmm, indeed I was. Now I've another problem. I just finished editing with Adobe Premiere 6.5 and went to export the final draft (for want of a term) and it is saying there is an "Encoder clipboard error." Or something along those lines. Er? I've tried everything I could think of, but...nothing.
  2. AnthemRoad

    Editing help?

    I'm working with a Sony DSR PD150, and I am now in the process of editing and so on. The only problem is that for some reason I cannot get the video to the editing station. The manuel says I need a VCR in order to do it...? Help?
  3. AnthemRoad

    Seeking advice

    Admittedly it did come across as a little annoyed, my bad. I guess i need to go redo grade school, heh. I guess i've just been under so much stress I wasn't seeing straight. Anyways, thanks again. ~R
  4. AnthemRoad

    Seeking advice

    ~Directrik~ First off, I apologize for annoying you. Secondly, that's my inclination, and what I know, but the school is breathing down my neck, to put it mildly. My project adviser keeps trying to explain to them; still, they are intent on...regulating it. Again, I apologize for the...
  5. AnthemRoad

    Seeking advice

    As I've previously mentioned here, I'm producing a :15 to :30 (minutes) documentary, that will look at both a day in the life of a college student at my school, as well as (for want of a term) showcase the diversity and multifaceted gem that is my school. We've got everyone from your...
  6. AnthemRoad

    Developing a :30 - :70 documentary - advice?

    Hmmm, alright. I've been running into problems with the school administration; it seems they want to control what I shoot. I understand the need not to cause chaos, but it's annoying to know that some shots that I would like to do - i can't. >_> ~A
  7. AnthemRoad

    Developing a :30 - :70 documentary - advice?

    Hmmm, well I'm past the point of doing any sort of changes really. I'm in the final touches of my outline/script and to suddenly change things would sort of put me back weeks. I'm just concerned since this will be my largest projects in terms of time and I'm nervous as nuts. I'm worried that...
  8. AnthemRoad

    Developing a :30 - :70 documentary - advice?

    My bad, the form I used means 30-70 minutes. (Ex: 1:30 is one hour and thirty minutes.) Though, thanks for the advice. ^_^
  9. AnthemRoad

    Developing a :30 - :70 documentary - advice?

    Currently I am developing my thesis/topic for a documentary film for my communications/film studies class and I was wondering if anyone had any advice since it will be my first jaunt into documentary filmmaking. My mission statement/working thesis: To view/shoot student life; likely through...
  10. AnthemRoad

    Looking for a Good "Starter" Camera

    I'm curious now. A friend of mine started playing around with his PURE Digital Flip Video Ultra Series F260b - making short movies and all. Would you advise that I get one - for the time being - just to start getting experience. (I had a bit of a hiccup and now won't be able to spend what I was...
  11. AnthemRoad

    Looking for a Good "Starter" Camera

    Hmm, alright. Another question or two. Whats the difference really between HDD and miniDV? Honestly, I see little difference, only two or three things. Would you say it's merely an example of capitalism at its best (or worst)? I'm more than a little confused with cameras in general. G'ah...
  12. AnthemRoad

    Looking for a Good "Starter" Camera

    D'oh I knew that, lol. So yeah, including those...any suggestions?
  13. AnthemRoad

    Looking for a Good "Starter" Camera

    .... First off, uh...Sonic Cameras? Dude, they're a scam company. Trust me, I tried to purchase a camera from them and they pulled a bait and switch. Check the Better Business Bureau or Here: Secondly, I'm looking for a...