My existing tripod and head is supercheap ($70 for the tripod and head with a built in LANC controller for my Canon XH-A1)-- I need to get a Bogen/Manfrotto setup. OK so my friend says go with the BM 503HDV which is much better than the 501HDV head, but the price difference between the two is substantial. Is the 503 really that much better of a head?
My need is a fluid head and tripod that will let me make several short films in 2008, my first films, and I do not want jerky motion during panning and tilts. If I really need the 503 head I will go that route, but if the 501 will suffice I would of course like to save some cash (seeing that I just shelled out $1100 today ordering a crane, crane stand, LCD monitor for the crane, and Varizoom controller). Or is there an alternative to the 501HDV/503HDV I should consider, in the $300-600 price range (for head and tripod)?

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