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Would you use software to generate end credit roll?

Hi everyone!!

I'm a developer trying to flush out an idea I got after watching the end credits of the kids movie Stitch!.

  1. I was thinking do film people either in indie or pro use software to generate their end credit rolls?
  2. If so what do they use and is it easy to use?
  3. How long does it usually take to do?
  4. Do film editors usually have to go back and edit it after they make one? Like if they need to add additional names or what not.
  5. Would a film editor be interested in using a web app to do it?
  6. How much do film editors usually charge for this?

I know nothing about the movie industry or filming, so if anyone can help that would be great.
Just trying to figure out if its worth following.

Thank You!!
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All of your questions can be summed up with one answer. Most editing softwares come with a generated ending credit plugin. All you have to do in type in the text.

But is it easy to use and go back and edit?

Also do the plugins let you do more then just scroll text?
Like add blooper snippets while the credits scroll or add effects to text, add background images, etc?

I was thinking do film people either in indie or pro use software to generate their end credit rolls?

umm... no. We hand write it on paper and whip out the camera ;)

I assume you mean specialized software. It's available. I don't use it. I use whatever editing software I'm using at the time.

How long does it usually take to do?
It depends. For basic stuff, it's about as simple as a copy and paste, alter size/font etc.

I spend most of the time doing a combination of fixing up a producers errors (spelling, missing people etc) and getting the timing/pace about right. I've been known to have some of my credit rolls be more complex than the rest of the project. YMMV.

Do film editors usually have to go back and edit it after they make one? Like if they need to add additional names or what not.
It depends on the person giving you the list/alterations.

I've had a production where the alterations were coming in 3 months after the release.

Would a film editor be interested in using a web app to do it?
Not really. If I had to make an alteration, I'd have to spend too much time re-downloading the media again only to need to make an alteration locally. It'd be easier to just do it locally.

How much do film editors usually charge for this?
It's all part of the daily rate. No separate fee.

Just trying to figure out if its worth following.
It might be. I wouldn't be able to tell you. I can only tell you, I wouldn't use it.

But is it easy to use and go back and edit?

Yes. Think of it like you would a text editor. Click the asset, type your changes, press save.

Simple credit rolls are incredibly easy to do and alter.

Also do the plugins let you do more then just scroll text?
Like add blooper snippets while the credits scroll or add effects to text, add background images, etc?

You have to remember. It's done in software designed to handle video, so it's quite trivial to add video (or other media) to a credit roll.

One note. Some post credit rolls use motion graphics or 3f graphics. Depending on the complexity, some editors would also handle that work, others would refer it to those who do that work.

Whats the name of the specialized software other people use?

If this tool could shave off 50% of your time would it be worth it?

Not really. If I had to make an alteration, I'd have to spend too much time re-downloading the media again only to need to make an alteration locally. It'd be easier to just do it locally.
Not sure what you mean by this. If the web app let you do all changes on a web page and let you watch a preview of it with the changes before you downloaded it. Would that help?

It's all part of the daily rate. No separate fee.
What's an average daily rate?

Yes. Think of it like you would a text editor. Click the asset, type your changes, press save.
Simple credit rolls are incredibly easy to do and alter.
Maybe I focus the service to do more than just simple credit rolls. Let users add blooper reels and slow panning images in the background. Maybe text effects and fades.

I understand you could do this work using current video editing software but if there was something you could use to provide fancier looking credits with less work but still charge the same I would think that would be of value to film editors.

This has been very helpful thank you!!!
Please if you or anyone else on the forum have feedback keep it coming. Thanks!!!
Whats the name of the specialized software other people use?
To be honest, I don't remember. I've taken a look at a couple a while back and since forgotten them. I think Red Giant puts out on of the more popular ones. It might be part of their suite. I'm fairly sure there's heaps of them if you did a google search.

If this tool could shave off 50% of your time would it be worth it?
Perhaps. But it's a tall ask to do. Value add would be of more interest. The goal is always to do better work with less time.

Not sure what you mean by this. If the web app let you do all changes on a web page and let you watch a preview of it with the changes before you downloaded it. Would that help?

I'd would have expected that already to be available, so not really. There would be more steps do doing the job through a web interface, than the steps it'd take for most simple roll calls to be done within the editing software. It's usually 4 steps. Enter Titler, Copy, Paste, Put on Timeline. From a website, it'd be along the lines of opening up browser/website, what steps you need to do on site, Copy, Paste, Download, injest, put on timeline. For simple stuff, it's a lot of messing around.

For the more complex stuff, perhaps. Though, it may simply be easier to do in other software. When it comes to motion graphics/3d, it's currently beyond my area of expertise.

What's an average daily rate?
It's been discussed recently so I'll just copy from there:
I'm assuming you're talking for a freelancer and not a full time employee, rates for a competent editor come in at $800/day or $3500/week. The good editors usually start at those rates and negotiate up. In quieter areas, I've seen rates as low as $500/day $2200/week, so your mileage may vary.

Maybe I focus the service to do more than just simple credit rolls. Let users add blooper reels and slow panning images in the background. Maybe text effects and fades.

Perhaps. Currently if I were to do more than what I can do in editing software, I'd grab an After Effects template and work with that. I have to admit, I'm fairly slow with it and I'm limited to simple changes.

You'd be amazed what you can do with Titlers that are built into the editing programs these days. Those bloopers, slow panning images are rather simple to achieve.

I understand you could do this work using current video editing software but if there was something you could use to provide fancier looking credits with less work but still charge the same I would think that would be of value to film editors.

It's possible. It's all possible. I guess it'd depend on what you can do. I couldn't start to imagine the size of the market for fancy credits.
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But is it easy to use and go back and edit?

Also do the plugins let you do more then just scroll text?
Like add blooper snippets while the credits scroll or add effects to text, add background images, etc?


Yes, it's super easy to go back and edit. It takes only a few minutes to make a credits scroll, and yes you can totally add background images.

That's for a simple credit scroll. You'd typically do that in your standard non-linear editing software. For something more complicated, with a bunch of flashy effects, you'd use software specifically designed for that, and that can be a little more complicated.
The editing softwares have many styles of ending credits, the ones going up, going down, appearing on the screen, coming from the sides etc. It's simple plug in and play. easy to edit, just type in your text at anytime.