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watch THE VILLAIN (Silent Comedy)

Only watched the first one.
Logo lasted 6 seconds. No clue as to the name of your company.
Opening titles lasted 16 seconds, your name was shown twice. Not a good sign.
Stopped watching at :39. The less said here, there better.

Good luck.
Will Part 4 be bringing anything new to the table?

Parts 1 through 3 are virtually identical. While light fare at first, they end up dragging with all the same few gags over & over. Mix it up!

The biggest thing to correct would be your anachronisms. Breaks that immersion instantly, when we have old-timey music, old-timey b&w scratchy footage with title cards, and a very modern kitchen in the background.

Why were the title cards so different in Part 3, btw? On top of actually labelling who's dialogue it's supposed to be, the dialogue is explaining actions & what we are seeing. It shouldn't have to do that.

I dig flicks like this. I'll check out Part 4 when it's ready. :cool: