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campaign The Unknown Warrior

We open in the dark ages...
Our main character is a shinobi who becomes immortal to rid the world of monsters for as long as it takes.
He rid the world of monsters, fighting them nonstop for nearly 200 years.
He now lives in a world without that what he used to live for.
He is a private investigator now, and finds himself face to face with a werewolf for the first time in over 800 years


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Then you have to watch this.... its good.... .
Thanks. I watched that, but with all do respect; i dont think that pertains to my situation at all. That guy was arrogant and his story for his film was not good or original in my opinion. Like he said himself. He was not trying to tell a story. I am trying to tell a story and i am very passionate about the story i am going to tell.
Your in the middle of financing and Pre-production....also you want to start shooting in December. Don't underestimate the amount of work you will have to do.
I only want to start filming the first scene in December. It is going to be done in phases. Not all at once. We have already begun setting up the scene in the woods. My biggest obstacle is shooting in the woods at night right now. We have until december to work out the logistics of only the first scene. We are not rushing this project at all. We want it to be a great episodic.
Not to be too harsh, but ...
from kickstarter page said:
This film will be something you have never seen before. Filled with mystical beings, demons, werewolves, vampires, horror, bloody, action packed scenes and an immortal ninja
... this sounds awfully like something I've seen before. In fact, like an awful lot of stuff I've seen before. Most of it awful. :weird: Pretty sure the immortal ninja kills the werewolf in the end ...

Constructive criticism (from one who has been there, done that! )
I have a journal with scenes written down. No actual script yet.
You're looking for 10k for ... well, nothing at the moment. At the very least, you should have a completed script or a rough storyboard for the whole movie. Without one or the other, you can't even begin to work out what budget you'll need. And then, even with a good outline of what human and physical resources you're going to need, you need a pitch that makes it sound like you're doing something different. Also, don't tell your audience they've never seen anything like this before: you don't know what they've seen.

Also "We dont want to give too much away ..." doesn't work in this context: your sponsors have nothing to go on, so it just makes you part of the background noise. You don't have to reveal the whole plot, but at least set things up so that there's more than "bloody, action packed scenes and an immortal ninja". Your scenario places two character types together when they should not be in the same world [a ninja spy belongs in mediaeval Japan; a werewolf belongs in mediaeval Europe] so what'll be most interesting is why they've ended up wherever they are now, when is "now", and how does living outside their comfort zones of time and place affect each of them. That's what people will want to know - and pay for!
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I have many of the same thoughts as CelticRambler.

You want me to give you money. So I want to know what I'm donating to. People donating are not your final audience, they are your partners.

I'm confused; are you asking for ten large to shoot the one scene? Or is that the budget for the entire project? Is that money to buy equipment? You don't have a script so how do you know how much the movie is going to cost?

Your current campaign might work for people who know you and believe in you. But you're asking strangers to donate; we need more than what you have here.

Last question: have you ever donated money to a filmmaker you don't personally know on Kickstarter? What inspired you to donate?
Not to be too harsh, but ...

... this sounds awfully like something I've seen before. In fact, like an awful lot of stuff I've seen before. Most of it awful. :weird: Pretty sure the immortal ninja kills the werewolf in the end ...

Constructive criticism (from one who has been there, done that! )

You're looking for 10k for ... well, nothing at the moment. At the very least, you should have a completed script or a rough storyboard for the whole movie. Without one or the other, you can't even begin to work out what budget you'll need. And then, even with a good outline of what human and physical resources you're going to need, you need a pitch that makes it sound like you're doing something different. Also, don't tell your audience they've never seen anything like this before: you don't know what they've seen.

Also "We dont want to give too much away ..." doesn't work in this context: your sponsors have nothing to go on, so it just makes you part of the background noise. You don't have to reveal the whole plot, but at least set things up so that there's more than "bloody, action packed scenes and an immortal ninja". Your scenario places two character types together when they should not be in the same world [a ninja spy belongs in mediaeval Japan; a werewolf belongs in mediaeval Europe] so what'll be most interesting is why they've ended up wherever they are now, when is "now", and how does living outside their comfort zones of time and place affect each of them. That's what people will want to know - and pay for!
Firstly, constructive criticism isnt like what you said. Usually, constructive criticism is full of suggestions on how someone could do something better. Not just a bunch of harsh things about how someone is doing something wrong. It is my first kickstarter. I was just curious about how exactly it worked. It is more of a test run than anything.
That's why we are asking for so little. It is only for props, lights and gear to shoot the first scene so that we have something to really promote. Also, i really think you filmmakers are too set in your ways. Just because i dont have a “script” doesnt mean anything. I have a story. I am a story teller; not a script writer. Thats why i say it will not be like anything youve ever seen. The script will come in time. It will develop with the scenes. Also, my friend and i are doing everything for the film. We are not hiring actors or paying for crazy locations. I already have permission to shoot at some places, but we are going to be shooting in public places. When we get the first scene made, i am sure your attitude will change.

And as for the how and why a ninja is in medieval europe. Im not giving that away just yet. Like i said, i am a story teller and have had stories taken from me for giving too much information away. I learned that the hard way. We are going to make the film with or without any help. It just can be better with support as anything else can be.

You can support my idea or not. I promise that you have never seen a werewolf being ripped apart by a ninja. How many times have you seen a werewolf been fought in film in hand to hand combat ? And FYI i have been practicing martial arts for 25 years. I will be choreographing all the fight scenes myself. These werewolves will not look like any werewolves youve seen before either. They will be rabid and not limited to the moonlight hours.
You can do one of two things...
You can like the plot or not. That is what we are selling. The plot right now. I do not have anything filmed yet as we plan to do the first scene in december. Even after that, you will not know why the ninja is there fighting with these monsters. This is going to be an episodic film. You will know the why in the second part. The second part will be set in the dark ages. The ninja will be the antagonist in this part. In the background, fighting the monsters. We will learn then why the ninja is there.
Firstly, constructive criticism isnt like what you said. Usually, constructive criticism is full of suggestions on how someone could do something better. Not just a bunch of harsh things about how someone is doing something wrong. It is my first kickstarter. I was just curious about how exactly it worked. It is more of a test run than anything.

Don't test run with other people's money unless they are fully aware it is a test run.
I have many of the same thoughts as CelticRambler.

You want me to give you money. So I want to know what I'm donating to. People donating are not your final audience, they are your partners.

I'm confused; are you asking for ten large to shoot the one scene? Or is that the budget for the entire project? Is that money to buy equipment? You don't have a script so how do you know how much the movie is going to cost?

Your current campaign might work for people who know you and believe in you. But you're asking strangers to donate; we need more than what you have here.

Last question: have you ever donated money to a filmmaker you don't personally know on Kickstarter? What inspired you to donate?
I was under the assumption that kickstarter donators weren't “partners” because they are not receiving anything in return. Its not an investment. It makes that very clear when are making your project. And it is $10,000 because it is only really a test to see how kickstarter works and also just to film the first two scenes. We were going to film those and promote that for more on kickstarter. And tell me how a script relates to cost. I am only asking because i dont know. We have a solid story and know where each act is going to take places. We already know what we will need. In my opinion, it doesnt take a script to go through the story and make a “shopping” list. We know the characters, the locations, the props we will need and how much of them that we will need. You're donating because the story intrigues you. Either it intrigues you or it doesnt. Im just trying to tell a story.
Don't test run with other people's money unless they are fully aware it is a test run.
What is a film other than a test run anyways ? A film in itself is a test run. It either succeeds or fails. Nobody can say their film will succeed until it does. I meant it was a test run for how to use kickstarter. I will most undoubtedly learn from this first project post. If i reach the goal, its not like i am playing with peoples money. I will use it to create an incredible first two scenes.
You said the kickstarter was a test run not the film. Like. "Hmm I wonder if people will give money to a film." No, wrong way. You have a detailed plan and goal, and you present it professionally in a way that makes people want to join you on your journey.
Because it is my first project on kickstarter. I figured i would learn from it. I have learned a lot. Like i thought it was just a place where people gave money to an idea. I didnt know that people spend thousands of dollars on advertising their projects either. I didnt know that people were going to actually criticize my idea negatively. Now i know how to change my next project 10 fold. Why not spend a dollar, help me out to try and reach my goal by helping me to advertise so that i can bring you something to see ? I thought this was a community where we help one another out. $1 is all it takes to support me. Im not asking a single person for more than that.
I'm critical of ......HOW!!...... your gonna make your movie with no script or storyboard. Also.. CelticRambler gives constructive criticism. He tels you what you have to do to improve your kick starter movie pitch.
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I was under the assumption that kickstarter donators weren't “partners” because they are not receiving anything in return. Its not an investment. It makes that very clear when are making your project. And it is $10,000 because it is only really a test to see how kickstarter works and also just to film the first two scenes. We were going to film those and promote that for more on kickstarter. And tell me how a script relates to cost.
You win. I used the incorrect word. I understand better now. Since you are
selling me on your story and you want me to give you money I'd like to
know the story. Yet you don't want to give too much away.

A script is directly related to costs. If the script call for 10 actors total that will
be a different cost than a script that call for 10 actors. A 5 day shoot will cost
less than a 12 day shoot; the script will let you know how many days it will
take to shoot.
I am only asking because i dont know. We have a solid story and know where each act is going to take places. We already know what we will need. In my opinion, it doesnt take a script to go through the story and make a “shopping” list. We know the characters, the locations, the props we will need and how much of them that we will need. You're donating because the story intrigues you. Either it intrigues you or it doesnt. Im just trying to tell a story.
In my opinion (and experience) it does take a script to make a "shopping" list.
But you what my donation because the story intrigues me yet you don't want
to tell me the entire story.

That doesn't inspire me to donate.

Because it is my first project on kickstarter. I figured i would learn from it. I have learned a lot. Like i thought it was just a place where people gave money to an idea. I didnt know that people spend thousands of dollars on advertising their projects either. I didnt know that people were going to actually criticize my idea negatively. Now i know how to change my next project 10 fold. Why not spend a dollar, help me out to try and reach my goal by helping me to advertise so that i can bring you something to see ? I thought this was a community where we help one another out. $1 is all it takes to support me. Im not asking a single person for more than that.
It's surprising when you sent your idea out there, isn't it? You know deep down
that this is a great story that EVERYONE will love as much as you and then some
people don't. Some even criticize it negatively and that could be an eye-opener.

Or it can hurt.

You have never given money to an idea you found on Kickstarter. I'm just like you;
I don't give money to an idea.

I'm glad you're learning a lot about Kickstarter and your fellow filmmakers. Personally
I don't donate to an idea and I don't donate to a filmmaker who doesn't believe in
scripts or budgeting. As I said before; this campaign looks good for someone who
already knows you and believes in you. I hope you get your ten large.