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watch The Legend of Turquoise Nipples

Hey guys, this is my second short film. We made it in June. It's about quirky middle-aged friends who go on an adventure quest. Our budget was a meager $150. Like most projects, where any and everything can go wrong, the actor who was going to portray the pirate in the final fight scene, couldn't make it. (something I'm learning to prepare for on every shoot). So, I jumped into tights and we made it happen. My wife filmed the final scene. Hope you all enjoy it. Let me know what you think.


The Legend of Turquoise Nipples

Now to submit to some film fests.
You can see more of my work here My site
Hey guys, this is my second short film. We made it in June. It's about quirky middle-aged friends who go on an adventure quest. Our budget was a meager $150...My wife filmed the final scene. Hope you all enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Heeeeee. Pretty fun.

I'm not sure, but if it were up to me I might, maybe cut the scene when the guy pees on the other guy. That one might be funnier with just the the guy saying it in the previous scene. Maybe I'm wrong.

Like most projects, where any and everything can go wrong, the actor who was going to portray the pirate in the final fight scene, couldn't make it. (something I'm learning to prepare for on every shoot). So, I jumped into tights and we made it happen.

Now there's a trooper!

Good luck at the film fests!
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OK.. First... this had relatively high production values for being so ridiculously silly. I laughed a couple of times here out loud and alone. Too fun! The only area I could see that could use any improvement is to work on getting the camera movement more precise and even (practice, practice)... everything else is there. Sound was even really well done, which is normally the part that gets ignored first.
