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Short script/story(action):IMPACT

a commando called on duty to save higher rank UNO worker just captured by militia.
Before their leader who is expected to reach the spot to enquire the name and all, commando has to save UNO worker from the militia men of that leader group.
Why before militia leader knows about him?.
Depending on the rank that UN guy works, the demand/ransom for his release will get structured.

That UN guy is said to be of higher rank.
If fail to deliver , militia is sure to take him out and release the news .
which would put government image in hopeless situation , while good humanity name summit is going to get organized in that country in coming few days.

And also there is no where situation, that governament is going to meet the demands of militia in that short period of time .
and militia too want governamment to fail in progress to deliver.
it's win - win situation for militia.

Above is the speech made by senior intelligence official to this commando.
I f they go by group to save him , UN worker will be shot in place.
So , intelligence have now dependent on bravery of one guy.
that's him.
He enters the den in clever way ,
kills all militia members in combat.
sees that militia leader has just arriving to the spot.
He himself switches to the cloth of OFFICIAL UN worker , and ask the Un worker to jump from the cliff to river under.
he gets scared.
Un guy wants commando guy to jump along with them.
commando guy reply," If i jump along with you , these guys who are coming towards us will also jump and finishes in down there. They want is UN guy m i'll remain as UN guy here. you just leave.
swim towards ur left , i.e, sunset for 20 min . mY GUYS WILL CATCH YOU THERE. i'll inform them now to come there."
Un guy hesitates.
commando makes sure UN guy got all Hid ID with him informs his guy and all contact gadgets are filled into his pocket.
Commnado making no time waste , just throws him .
UN guy falls in to river down.
Militia leader enter along with his men , suprised to Sees a guy jump out,to see his men dead.
leader"who did it?"
commando/UN_ official"?"

Stops his men who intend to go for that guy,
leader," leave it, we still got UN guy. he failed. I f we chase , we might come close to them and letting them know about us more . Let's us our self shift from here . This UN guy won't be staying here.
take him to my place."

Commando/UN_OFFICIAL is blind folded and made to sit in car.
The car moves.
Commando start to count numbers in mind.
for every left turn he straightens left hand finger hidden.
for every right turn he straightens right hand's successive finger hidden.
Car keeps moving on roads, keeps making sudden turn and penetrates the bush to see new path ahead.
After entering their main den.
he is kept in cottage and removed his blind fold.

He writes the numbers and number times the left turn and right turns on ground.

He sketches the path , where he his been brought now.
Depending on speed he counted numbers , he figures out the distance he has travelled.
(/***i'm not faking it. speedometer can be adopted math wise in brain too !! trust me )

Leader asks for his identity,
commando has already made sure the UN guy id card has gone safe with him.
Commando says , he lost ID on the rush hour with militia .He gives fake name.

Militia guy checks for his name on official site.
informs, guys name and photo no where exist.
leader asks him to give his identity.
He asks leader to let use computer.
he spends time in irirtating and searching.
"I work for higher rank, it needs password of mine and facial recognition software,it's important since my job is collobaration with IMF bank too. I work in as financial department".
Leader, "whatever the fucking department you are. Just get your profile here to me."
In act of sending password ,in password caption,
He entrers the numbers he counted and Left turn_number , Rright number_NUMBER .
Intelligence official gets some message slip by his junior.
intel official," ya ! he has send the location of group.
he made it !
Now , it's our move, call the television guy , ask them to telecast the piece of info as news.
Other official,"so , through IP address?"
intel official,"nope, these group use secured system too. difficult to trace their ip address.
It's just our guys cleverness , it's the geographical location info , he has typed into password caption into our site as planned !"
After a while,
militia leader gets his guy whisper something in his hear.
Switches on t.v in his location.
As preplanned by intelligence , News channel are airing the news of UN_officiAL missing.
with the photo of commando.
They also mention some rank he works in.

So, commando relieved to believe that UN_Official guy has been saved by his commando guys in boat.
and the location of these guys has reached to them through website .Only then this T.V message would have appeared as planned.

Then guy is kept back inside cottage.
Takes a look at surrounding out side ,
figures out where ammunition are stored.

its just c.p.u kept next the room window of his.
morning is let have coffee time for computer operator guy outside.
the computer guy goes bit faR out.
Being alone , with computer there, he puches the old cpu cabinet once.

He opens the old cpu cabinet,
seeking opportunity,
guy takes out the processor fan out and cuts wings of fan and fixes the thin tissue paper(he got from toilet) in between processor and processor fan . he leaves that thin paper leading to wards the power supply of CPU.
assembles the kit back.
commando guy , gets back to cottage inside.
"You keep your system on whole night right ?"
militia guy," yes it's just me and computer this side and you inside .
all other stay that side of cottage towards the door .need more info , you james bond!."

As time passes by in night, commando makes sure he is sleeping inside front of door visible to gaurds.

Blast is heard in back of the cottage .
all run towards the noise they hear.
he does combat with single gaurd out side and wears his uniform. make this fellow's dead body sleep.
while night gaurding , roams all over , to get info. gets to wards the crowd where explosion happened.
computer guy is wounded. sytem scatterted , and signs of short circuit being stoppped.
Cleverly takes the hard disk FROM THE spot .

Reaches the jeep and gets on it to leave ,
Gaurd become confused and go and check the guy sleeping.
suprised to see their guys dead body there.
they start to chase him.

Again he start to count numbers in reversing order , keeps making sudden turns to find surprise way behind faked bushes on the way.
enough gun shots he fires while escape.

Now he has reached the location where UN_official way initially kept.
it's just matter of jumping in to the river down there.

he surrounded,
checks chamber, one bullet left.
militia leader yelling,
"don't shoot him . we want both HARD DISK we got important dealing info and that UN_OFFICIAL GUY."

Commando/UN_official throws the harddisk in to the river.
and runs and jumps into the river .
enters the bottom to get the hard disk.
militia group watch to expect him come up.
he doesn't.
their guys too jump .
they see nobody surrounding.
Far away , he is swimming and escape.
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