Jared Leto's Joker

I'm guessing most people here will have seen this already, but I thought I'd share it anyway:


So what does everybody think?

I'll reserve my final judgement for when the film’s released, but I do think the design of Joker himself is going to be alienating for most fans. It’s a strange choice they’ve made, to make the design so massively different from any previous incarnation of Joker.

In fact, I think a lot of what DC are doing in trying to emulate Marvel is quite strange. In my opinion, Suicide Squad is a daft idea anyway, but even more so with the inclusion of Joker. They’re making one of the most iconic villains of all time a (anti-)hero. I think they’ll struggle to then use Joker as a Batman villain.

Any thoughts?
I think they had to make the look distinctive from the Nicholson or Ledger versions, simply because it's a new director and a new actor and you have to put a stamp on it. Nolan reinvented Nicholson's joker with Ledger in, aesthetically speaking, a similarly radical way. Obviously, they needed to reboot the character's visuals once again for Suicide Squad.

I can't get excited and/or interested in superhero movies, so I may not be best place to comment on this, but I agree that this isn't a film that I'm expecting much from. If Heath Ledger were still alive and reprising the role for the film, continuing Nolan's Batman universe (and maybe incorporating Scarecrow and Catwoman), then I'd be onboard. But I find Jared Leto insufferable, David Ayer's not a director whose work I've found remotely interesting and the early promo stuff has made me suspect this might be a slightly tacky cash-in (some of the casting, like Jai Courtney and Margot Robbie, make me suspect this is going to be more Zac Snyder than Chris Nolan).

That said, I'd watch Cara Delevingne read the phonebook, so I'll probably buy a ticket.
the joker has always depended on Batman to carry on his existence, so if this is pre-batman discovery then it could be ok but if it is in an era that is aware of batman then batman would have to make an appearance if he doesnt then it would be stupid.
Right now. Not too thrilled. But I wasn't thrilled either when I saw the first pic of Heath Ledger as the Joker. Of course that changed after I saw the trailers. We'll just have to wait and see.

Honestly I'd be more excited to see the Joker appear in the upcoming Justice League series.


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Honestly I'd be more excited to see the Joker appear in the upcoming Justice League series.

And you still may well. But be aware, it’ll be this Joker you see if he appears in JLA.

However, my above worries about Joker becoming a hero (or an anti-hero, at least (which still isn’t a good idea if they ever want to use him as a villain for JLA)) might have been a bit premature. Wikipedia lists 10 (!!!!) villains as having been cast. Joker, who has never been a member of the suicide squad in the comics, may well turn out to be the villain of this movie. If that is the case, Harley Quinn won’t be a member of the squad either, as she wouldn’t go after Joker.
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:no: :no: :no:

I think there's a good reason to dislike those "sources"...

Those photo's show Jared with no make-up. Not even the red lips that define Joker. They may as well be suggesting that Joker will be wearing that stupid hat too...

I like the suit however. That'll be nice.
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
And haha, I had a music video of mine on perez hilton's site. I hate the guy, but publicity for the two of us who did it and the talent. still feel conflicted bout that. :P
Until the release we'll just have to theorize.
I'm hardly familiar with the Batman/Joker universe. But seems like, especially if they're doing any sort of origin story or even character development arc for the Joker in this thing, then doesn't it stand to reason that he may have more than one look? Like pre-vat of chemicals and post-vat of chemicals, that sort of thing? Or I suppose that would require an appearance by Batman. Still, isn't more than one look a possibility? Again, I have no idea whats the comics say is "supposed" to happen with these characters. Never heard of the Suicide Squad until today, I think. Or does everyone expect Joker to appear only as the fully formed Joker for this?
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As someone who doesn't really care about the comic-book universes, I actually find the character design is about the first thing to grab my interest from all the superhero films we seemed to have.

Of course, I'm obviously not the target audience, so that it's getting negative reception may be a bad indication for the character... or it could be a necessary part of re-inventing the character to separate him from the Nolan universe.
Well, THIS has appeared today. I like it; it would probably be a nice touch. It would certainly set a dark tone for the movie.

I'm hardly familiar with the Batman/Joker universe. But seems like, especially if they're doing any sort of origin story or even character development arc for the Joker in this thing, then doesn't it stand to reason that he may have more than one look? Like pre-vat of chemicals and post-vat of chemicals, that sort of thing? Or I suppose that would require an appearance by Batman. Still, isn't more than one look a possibility? Again, I have no idea whats the comics say is "supposed" to happen with these characters. Never heard of the Suicide Squad until today, I think. Or does everyone expect Joker to appear only as the fully formed Joker for this?

Joker’s origin has never been fully established. The story of him falling into a vat of chemicals is the most common back story, as established in “Year One”. Other writers have then twisted and expanded this. But the consensus is pretty much that Joker’s origin is unknown, due to his own insanity. Think of Ledger’s Joker, telling the different versions of how he got his scars.

Anyway, I don’t expect there to be any Joker origin in these movies. Affleck’s Bruce Wayne is older, he’d have first encountered Joker a long time before this.

And I’ve decided what I don’t like about the tattoos; it’s too conformist. Every wannabe thug and/or gangster has tattoos. It’s normal. It doesn’t represent the insane anarchist that Joker is meant to be.
That's the thing. If I were given the Joker as an MC for a film I was making, that would be the key question: how much to reveal or not to reveal about his origin story? That's probably the most interesting aspect of the character, perhaps only second to, 'what will he do next?'

I think I would tend toward what Nolan and crew did in the Dark Knight. That is, I think it would probably be best to hint at the "why's" for what the Joker is, but to by-and-large keep it a mystery.

There's that excellent dialogue in The Dark Knight in which Alfred explains that some men just want to burn it all down. That, there, is what ought to be the essence of the character.

If "The Joker movie" were mine, that's what I'd want to explore.
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I think I would tend toward what Nolan and crew did in the Dark Knight. That is, I think it would probably be best to hint at the "why's" for what the Joker is, but to by-and-large keep it a mystery.

I think that's the perfect way of going about MOST Comic Villains
My first thought was that he looks like Keith Flint, singer for The Prodigy. Then the full cast shot came out and Harley looks like one of the Spice Girls. Urgh.

I'm not sure I really care about this one. I liked the Nolan Batman movies a lot, but can't sit through a Superman film to save my life (and I LIKE Snyder). This just seems to be taking the worst aspects of DC films and just running with it. I'm sure lots of folks. That said, I don't hate the Joker design (though I do hate the Harley).