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campaign INFINITUS - A short poetic SciFi Film using Practical FX

Hey everyone. We have just launched our campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/infinitus-scifi-short-film#/

Firstly, I want to thank you for clicking and reading this. Hopefully we make an impression on you, as we have worked incredibly hard just to reach this point in our film's long road to creation.

What is INFINITUS? What makes this film tick?

This film is all about the struggle to create something low budget with a high concept, using the tools and techniques available to us through practical means. For example, in the teaser, the sun backdrop was made using red and orange acrylic paints in milk and water, along with some gold ink, and then animated by dropping dish soap into the mix. This gives it a unique look, and is hard to replicate again the next time. Each time the soap hits the paint, something new is created.

We are combining this technique with the ancient art of scale model film-making with our spaceship. Expertly crafted by Alex Lang, this ship will be our star attraction when we launch the film into festivals March 2020. Using a green screen, a microphone stand, and a computerized rail system, we intend to film the ship using similar techniques that gave films like "Alien" and "Bladerunner" eye popping visuals.

All of this is going to be held together by the films central story, as we follow a female science engineer, researching and making plans to repair a fatal accident that killed our Sun. Living deep underground, she works with other remote bunkers to design a last chance resort, with the hopes of repairing the damaged caused, and sparking the machine star INFINITUS back to life.


We hope you consider donating or following our campaign, and we hope to create something everyone can get excited about. If you enjoy practical FX, and dramatic, poetic SciFi, i think you might enjoy what we are creating.

Thank you for taking the time to check out our project, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.



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Cool concept trailer! Nice solar images, too.

From the Discussion Thread:

A technical query: Rachel's reading of the poem is very clear, but John's and Aurora's lines sound rather ... "muttered".

I agree. It started off with high quality V.O., then I got a little distracted. The man's voice has a nice tone that could add a lot more to this. Not sure if you want to get another take of it.

I've had to deal with a similar issue, with having two of my main characters living in another state. I ended up recording my own voice to replace a couple of my lead actor's lines. He noticed, but other people did not. For the opening narration of that movie, I ditched the actors and used my daughter's voice. Your video reminded me a little of that.

I also liked the video of the spaceship model. Such a great project. Try not to accept too many compromises. Years back, I made some sci-fi flicks, and there are so many things I would change, if I could do them again. Keep that in mind, as you deal with this in the present. It is very cool to see you doing this.
Cool concept trailer! Nice solar images, too.

Not sure if you want to get another take of it.

Absolutely fine!

I appreciate the feedback. Now that the teaser is out, there is little to do, but I will be releasing an actual trailer around December, maybe January, so not worried.

I do have to learn to expect more quality wise in my Directing abilities, I know that.

I'm in a weird zone, where this is only my second film, but I have amazing talent working with me, and I think I am still getting over my new Director phase.

But after this film.... After all this work... I hope I learn to improve that about myself for the third project.

Thank you for the kind words, advice, and support!
Absolutely fine!

I appreciate the feedback. Now that the teaser is out, there is little to do, but I will be releasing an actual trailer around December, maybe January, so not worried.

I do have to learn to expect more quality wise in my Directing abilities, I know that.

I'm in a weird zone, where this is only my second film, but I have amazing talent working with me, and I think I am still getting over my new Director phase.

But after this film.... After all this work... I hope I learn to improve that about myself for the third project.

Thank you for the kind words, advice, and support!

Hey! I was just wondering around what time you’ll be completing the editing stages. Also I’m very interested in this “third project” Any hints or teases to what it might be about?
Hey! I was just wondering around what time you’ll be completing the editing stages. Also I’m very interested in this “third project” Any hints or teases to what it might be about?

Well two days are planned for live action, meaning actors in front of camera.

One of those days is getting knocked out this Sunday.

The last live action day is weather dependent.

After that, the scale model needs filmed with the FX shots.

That's when the editing starts. Probably around January or February.

I will probably share the third film script later on, too early to really dive into it. If I explained it this early, it would just sound like a mixed bag of thoughts... haha.
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Well two days are planned for live action, meaning actors in front of camera.

One of those days is getting knocked out this Sunday.

The last live action day is weather dependent.

After that, the scale model needs filmed with the FX shots.

That's when the editing starts. Probably around January or February.

I see! Good luck on the shoot man.
You keep making me want to watch this. Admittedly, $10 for a short seems a bit much, even though this does appear high concept. Are you going to release a full trailer before the campaign ends? I may have a little money after Christmas. I would love to be able to see this before it has to make its way through the festival circuit. Hmmm, decisions.
You keep making me want to watch this. Admittedly, $10 for a short seems a bit much, even though this does appear high concept. Are you going to release a full trailer before the campaign ends? I may have a little money after Christmas. I would love to be able to see this before it has to make its way through the festival circuit. Hmmm, decisions.

Well, we would love any support you could provide!

Yes a full trailer will be released before the campaign ends, so you can make your mind up after you see some footage.

I appreciate you considering it so much!