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ANNA - Short Horror Film

Anna is spending Saturday night at home watching a late-night movie when suddenly the door bell rings…….....her destiny is about to change.

ANNA - Short Horror Film

Written and Directed by Mark Cox: This is my first short film, I chose the Horror genre primarily as I had the resources available to produce the 4 minute film.

The film was shot on a BMPCC 6K and all post production was with DaVinci Resolve 17. There was only two lenses available, Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art and a Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art. The film was shot in RAW 6144 x 2560 2.4:1 format, ISO for all scenes was 400.

I would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.

Thanks for your time......Mark

anna All correction.jpg
Upvote 2
This is my first short film, I chose the Horror genre primarily as I had the resources available to produce the 4 minute film.

The film was shot on a BMPCC 6K and all post production was with DaVinci Resolve 17. There was only two lenses available, Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art and a Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art. The film was shot in RAW 6144 x 2560 2.4:1 format, ISO for all scenes was 400.
That was a solid first effort. The opening track shot was nice, as were all the shots, which were very smooth and stable, except for the outside, slightly jerky, POV, which was quite appropriate. The sound and music were good. I like the lighting, which was not too forced. Nice animation at the end, and the face on the TV was creepy.

Now for the constructive criticism. There wasn't really a story. Why did it want to kill her? This could have been addressed with even some simple dialogue from the TV face. Maybe it is making her pay for a previous sin, or it needs her life energy, or her soul. We don't know. You had potential with the note. There could have been another note at the door or on her chair. It could have built up with each note.

You needed some more gut wrenching reactions from your actress. She looked fine, except for the lack of fear response, at times. I was guilty of the same thing with ENTITY WITHIN; my actress finds a bloody baby doll, but hardly reacts to it. She just goes further into the house. I still have to say it, though - stronger reactions were needed.

The shots (minus the exterior) all all fairly tight. The audience isn't given a sense of space. A couple of wide shots would have helped with the tension of something at the door, and something in the kitchen. The popping would have been more creepy, if we could see, from her perspective or over her shoulder, the opening to the kitchen. Even better, follow that up with the camera following her to the kitchen. Though I heard the popping, I at first thought she had popped it, because of how you cut right to her opening the door. Use the "dreaded approach" a bit more.

Anyway, it's a strong first short. On your next one give us something to think about, plot-wise, and give the character obstacles to solve and overcome. I like your camera, lenses, and editing software. I recently got the 6K Pro, after using the 4K for a while.
That was a solid first effort. The opening track shot was nice, as were all the shots, which were very smooth and stable, except for the outside, slightly jerky, POV, which was quite appropriate. The sound and music were good. I like the lighting, which was not too forced. Nice animation at the end, and the face on the TV was creepy.

Now for the constructive criticism. There wasn't really a story. Why did it want to kill her? This could have been addressed with even some simple dialogue from the TV face. Maybe it is making her pay for a previous sin, or it needs her life energy, or her soul. We don't know. You had potential with the note. There could have been another note at the door or on her chair. It could have built up with each note.

You needed some more gut wrenching reactions from your actress. She looked fine, except for the lack of fear response, at times. I was guilty of the same thing with ENTITY WITHIN; my actress finds a bloody baby doll, but hardly reacts to it. She just goes further into the house. I still have to say it, though - stronger reactions were needed.

The shots (minus the exterior) all all fairly tight. The audience isn't given a sense of space. A couple of wide shots would have helped with the tension of something at the door, and something in the kitchen. The popping would have been more creepy, if we could see, from her perspective or over her shoulder, the opening to the kitchen. Even better, follow that up with the camera following her to the kitchen. Though I heard the popping, I at first thought she had popped it, because of how you cut right to her opening the door. Use the "dreaded approach" a bit more.

Anyway, it's a strong first short. On your next one give us something to think about, plot-wise, and give the character obstacles to solve and overcome. I like your camera, lenses, and editing software. I recently got the 6K Pro, after using the 4K for a while.

Thank you very much for your honest feedback, I really do appreciate your time. This feedback is the only way I can develop as a film maker and I will be taking your advice onboard with future projects.

Very good job for your first film. Did you do the work on this, or are you the producer? It is suspiciously well done for a first short. So you must have either had a bang up crew, or are just a natural at camera/lighting/editing.

If you performed in the role of cinematog or director in this, and love if you would indulge me... Could we possibly do an interview about your experience over the internet? I love getting behind the scenes takes on other productions, and I think it would be fun to go through this project and highlight some of your experience.

If you are interested, let me know. I've been wanting to do this kind of interview series on my Youtube channel for a while, just haven't had the time or a solid plan before now.

Let me know if you are interested!
Very good job for your first film. Did you do the work on this, or are you the producer? It is suspiciously well done for a first short. So you must have either had a bang up crew, or are just a natural at camera/lighting/editing.

If you performed in the role of cinematog or director in this, and love if you would indulge me... Could we possibly do an interview about your experience over the internet? I love getting behind the scenes takes on other productions, and I think it would be fun to go through this project and highlight some of your experience.

If you are interested, let me know. I've been wanting to do this kind of interview series on my Youtube channel for a while, just haven't had the time or a solid plan before now.

Let me know if you are interested!
Thank you very much for your feedback and time, I’m satisfied with my first attempt at a short film. The best advice I ever read was “you can’t get better at film making if you don’t make a start”. So after years of just making excuses and shooting B Roll, I thought it time to make a short film.


I’m not a producer and don’t work in the film industry, I’m an enthusiast and amateur videographer. This film was shot in the evenings after dinner at our town house where we live. There was no crew, only myself and my partner Aki (Anna) who is not an actress but was very supportive and volunteered to help me out with this project. There was $0 in the budget and I don’t have access to film crew so the project was designed so it only required the two of us to produce.

My role in the film was writer, director, DP, lighting, sound and editor, I’m self-taught (YouTube junkie). There were definitely times where I questioned if I had bitten off more than I can chew but “you do what you gotta do” to make it happen. Due to limitations with time available, the project has taken six months to complete.
  • Lights – 1 x Falcon Eyes LED, 1 x Aputure MC Led Light, YN216 LED Light.
  • Camera – BMPCC 6K
  • Lenses - Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art, Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art.
  • Editor – DaVinci Resolve 17
I haven’t posted anything on behind the scenes as I thought no one would be interested.
There was no crew, only myself and my partner Aki (Anna) who is not an actress but was very supportive and volunteered to help me out with this project. There was $0 in the budget and I don’t have access to film crew so the project was designed so it only required the two of us to produce.
That's awesome. You did a great job. I've done the same with my wife, where it was just us two. This one is my favorite:


I haven’t posted anything on behind the scenes as I thought no one would be interested.

I would definitely be interested!
Thank you very much for your feedback and time, I’m satisfied with my first attempt at a short film. The best advice I ever read was “you can’t get better at film making if you don’t make a start”. So after years of just making excuses and shooting B Roll, I thought it time to make a short film.


I’m not a producer and don’t work in the film industry, I’m an enthusiast and amateur videographer. This film was shot in the evenings after dinner at our town house where we live. There was no crew, only myself and my partner Aki (Anna) who is not an actress but was very supportive and volunteered to help me out with this project. There was $0 in the budget and I don’t have access to film crew so the project was designed so it only required the two of us to produce.

My role in the film was writer, director, DP, lighting, sound and editor, I’m self-taught (YouTube junkie). There were definitely times where I questioned if I had bitten off more than I can chew but “you do what you gotta do” to make it happen. Due to limitations with time available, the project has taken six months to complete.
  • Lights – 1 x Falcon Eyes LED, 1 x Aputure MC Led Light, YN216 LED Light.
  • Camera – BMPCC 6K
  • Lenses - Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art, Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art.
  • Editor – DaVinci Resolve 17
I haven’t posted anything on behind the scenes as I thought no one would be interested.
I feel the same way. I have made around 4 total short narrative films so far. Others were smaller projects. Each time, I feel like something improves. If not my technical skills, then my vision and creativity gets more confidence.

The only thing I really need work on is my personality. lol.
I feel the same way. I have made around 4 total short narrative films so far. Others were smaller projects. Each time, I feel like something improves. If not my technical skills, then my vision and creativity gets more confidence.

The only thing I really need work on is my personality. lol.

Anna is spending Saturday night at home watching a late-night movie when suddenly the door bell rings…….....her destiny is about to change.

ANNA - Short Horror Film

Written and Directed by Mark Cox: This is my first short film, I chose the Horror genre primarily as I had the resources available to produce the 4 minute film.

The film was shot on a BMPCC 6K and all post production was with DaVinci Resolve 17. There was only two lenses available, Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art and a Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art. The film was shot in RAW 6144 x 2560 2.4:1 format, ISO for all scenes was 400.

I would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.

Thanks for your time......Mark

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Anna is spending Saturday night at home watching a late-night movie when suddenly the door bell rings…….....her destiny is about to change.

ANNA - Short Horror Film

Written and Directed by Mark Cox: This is my first short film, I chose the Horror genre primarily as I had the resources available to produce the 4 minute film.

The film was shot on a BMPCC 6K and all post production was with DaVinci Resolve 17. There was only two lenses available, Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art and a Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art. The film was shot in RAW 6144 x 2560 2.4:1 format, ISO for all scenes was 400.

I would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.

Thanks for your time......Mark

View attachment 2218
I really enjoyed it! For a first film, this shows a lot of potential. I think as far as cinematography, acting, music, and most of the editing- it’s fairly effective!

I’d like to see you tackle something more narratively driven, because as it stands this does come off a tad disposable. That being said, as far as a short atmosphere piece goes, it’s a great first effort.

The big thing I would change is maybe the font choice. Papyrus is kind of an overused font and it’s not something that should really show up in a professional film.

Regardless, you should be very proud of this! It’s a lot better than my earlier short films! Good job!
I really enjoyed it! For a first film, this shows a lot of potential. I think as far as cinematography, acting, music, and most of the editing- it’s fairly effective!

I’d like to see you tackle something more narratively driven, because as it stands this does come off a tad disposable. That being said, as far as a short atmosphere piece goes, it’s a great first effort.

The big thing I would change is maybe the font choice. Papyrus is kind of an overused font and it’s not something that should really show up in a professional film.

Regardless, you should be very proud of this! It’s a lot better than my earlier short films! Good job!
Thanks a lot for your feedback, I appreciate your time and suggestions. To be honest it was just great to have completed my first short, I finally got past just talking about it. I take away a huge amount of learnings from this project and hopefully put me in a better place for the next film.
Anna is spending Saturday night at home watching a late-night movie when suddenly the door bell rings…….....her destiny is about to change.

ANNA - Short Horror Film

Written and Directed by Mark Cox: This is my first short film, I chose the Horror genre primarily as I had the resources available to produce the 4 minute film.

The film was shot on a BMPCC 6K and all post production was with DaVinci Resolve 17. There was only two lenses available, Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art and a Sigma Prime 50mm F1.4 Art. The film was shot in RAW 6144 x 2560 2.4:1 format, ISO for all scenes was 400.

I would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.

Thanks for your time......Mark

View attachment 2218

Happy to report ANNA won best Super Short Film at the World Cannes Film Festival for the month of October. ANNA has now been automatically entered in our Annual Competition for a chance to become a Grand Winner and be screened in Cannes during our annual Award Ceremony.


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Yeah thats great!!

IDK if you want my dumb feedback but I watched it so here it goes.
I thought the champagne flute in the beginning was out of place and it distracted me. Home alone watching TV by myself eating popcorn doesnt feel like champagne occasion to me.

The popcorn noises were weird, is that the real sound from a microwave popping it?
Dog noises were awesome, I believed a dog was there.

The eyes on the TV were cool.

But if I were to recap what I saw... I would describe your story as -
She got a scary message through her phone and then her TV had a spirit inside it?

Sadly this is the exact same concept as "The Ring" with the phone message coming first and then the TV, right down to the color blue being used on the screen.

So here is what my ultimate dumb feedback comes to.. What the hell do I know right you're already winning awards.
But sometimes its good to be challenged, I would challenge you to come up with a more original concept.
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One idea would have been to show a woman on the TV, crawling towards the viewer on the sofa, appealing to her to save her. As she gets closer and closer, the scary figure grabs her ankles and pulls her away into the darkness in the background, and then the door bell, foreshadowing what is to come at the end for the lady on the sofa