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campaign Words Under Fire: The Danger of A Single Story - Kickstarter Live

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Words Under Fire - The Danger of A Single Story​

Exploring the impact of book banning in the modern age and how it's targeting marginalized communities in the United States and beyond.

For Words Under Fire, our Kickstarter launch date is Wednesday, April 12th, and runs for 40 days through Sunday, May 21st. Be part of the journey of making the documentary by helping to support the production of Words Under Fire here: http://kck.st/3UxN8lx. You will have multiple pledge options, from executive producer credit, early access, t-shirts, and more.

About The Documentary
Why are we asking you to contribute to the creation of this documentary?

We need your help to bring this conversation to the forefront. Book banning is not a present-day phenomenon. This type of censorship has been going on for hundreds of years around the world. The first book banning in the U.S. happened in 1637, and some of the most controversial books banned are considered classics today. These include the Bible and the works of Shakespeare.

Just within 2022, the American Library Association found that the censorship of books had increased to unprecedented levels. Noted in the report was that most of the books banned had LGBTQ+ content, racial minority perspectives, or sexual content.

In this documentary you can expect to see a mix of interviews with people of varying opinions on the subject, a historical recap of book censorship, and filming of current events related to the topic.

The banning of books is one of the most powerful forms of discrimination and continues to gain momentum today. How far do the consequences of unchecked censorship ultimately extend for an individual, a nation, and society as a whole?

Why “YOU” the audience?

Join us in exploring the historical and contemporary forms of book banning, and the critical impact it has on education, culture, and society. By funding our project, you'll support an important documentation of modern-day censorship and how it's shaping the future.

Instagram @foretellfilms.


  • Words Under Fire Documentary Press Release.pdf
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