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screenplay "Perfect" A High School Script - Production level easy

The future collides with the present and they dont agree. Is a perfect life with a tragic end have any less worth than a life filled with obstacles but culminating in immortality. The definition of perfect has different meanings and the winner of this debate wins a life.


  • Perfect - 5 pages.pdf
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Based on your description, I assume this is just the beginning of a longer piece?

I think it's pretty good and definitely easy to shoot.

A few notes:
Your opening description reads like the beginning of a short story rather than a screenplay. Stick to descriptions of things that can be seen.

Make sure you use the present tense rather than present progressive - "Parm sits at his throne on the cafeteria" rather than "is sitting."

If you want a character to say something, write it out. In other words, avoid things like:
"he explains why he needs to post the picture and tag his friends"

I don't think the VO adds anything but, assuming this is part of a longer piece, it may be important to the rest of it.
Thanks so much. Yea it's a beginning directors script and a based on your advice I didn't post the entire script. Most folks dont have the time to read all 25 pages. Love the notes...all of them. Thanks again