

Staff Member
There was an article on the rapper Cardi B where she admitted that she used to drug men and rob them.
These are real crimes that she committed with real victims.

Now this is being glamorized and turned into a film called Hustlers and Cardi B gets to appear on the silver screen alongside hollywood stars Jennifer Lopez and Julia Stiles.


I don't recognize works by either production company involved.
Okay so now to the point of my thread...

In this day an age people are getting fired for having dumb thoughts, for making stupid tweets they regret.
Men are getting fired from accusations of wrong doing without any evidence at all...

Now we have a woman talking about drugging and robbing men and she gets a movie deal out of it.
What do you guys think of this?

Am I missing part of the story or is her predatory behavior of victimizing people being rewarded by our society?
Ultimately I suppose if it makes money that's all hollywood should care about ?

At least the memes are funny :lol:



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I understand why the story can be sold as a movie, i dont understand rewarding predatory behavior and casting her in that movie like she is a hero. I read parts of the article, the gist is that the guys had a lot of money and liked to get rambunctious at strip clubs so they deserved to be drugged and robbed ? Those places have bouncers to protect the girls, they don't mess around.
Now we have a woman talking about drugging and robbing men and she gets a movie deal out of it. What do you guys think of this?

She had the deal long before she made her admissions. Cardi B is generating media attention with her admissions, and as the statute of limitations probably defeats any possibility of prosecution, she will most likely get away with her illegal activities without any legal repercussions.
She had the deal long before she made her admissions. Cardi B is generating media attention with her admissions, and as the statute of limitations probably defeats any possibility of prosecution, she will most likely get away with her illegal activities without any legal repercussions.

Well thats a lot of fact and no opinion :lol:
It makes sense that its a newer production company with less to lose doing something like this.

It might be controversial
Im trying to think of something similar to this circumstance.
The closest i can come to it right now is 50 cents movie.. he was a drug dealer and then made a movie about that life.

I look at this sort of thing... casting criminals in a movie about their life of crime, and I think how will this trend progress? How will someone cash in on the next phase of that trend?

A movie based on OJ Simpsons book "If I did It" starring OJ Simpson himself.
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This movie has nothing to do with Cardi B other than the fact that she has a role in it. She said she did something similar - maybe she did, maybe she didn't. It's good publicity for the movie so they're happy to have her say whatever. The stars of the movie are Julia Styles and Jennifer Lopez.
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Ah i thought the movie was inspired by the article that was about her. My misunderstanding there.
I know she isnt the lead role or anything though