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How to do a "Comical zoom"

I don't know how to describe it, but is a type of zoom used specially in comical situations. I am making a comical short and there is a scene wich requires it. I don't have a big budget but some DIY stuff I can handle it. Please helpp
Like when zooming at the face of someone but fast. I know it just zooming to his face but I want that comic feeling. I don't have more graphic details about it but when I remember I'll post it.
Like when zooming at the face of someone but fast. I know it just zooming to his face but I want that comic feeling. I don't have more graphic details about it but when I remember I'll post it.

Good idea to post an example of what you mean. A zoom is a type of movement. Comedic is more of a feeling. There are no camera movements that are comedic. They're a technique.

The comedic nature of a shot/scene comes from a combination of many elements, only one of which could be the camera movement. That being said, I suspect the method you're talking is a combination of dolly while using the zoom in the opposite direction to compress or expand the background in relation to the subject. It's mostly used for dramatic effect (for instance claustrophobia/pressure or the feeling of insignificance), though it could also be used for comedic effect in certain circumstances.

Then again, for all I know, you could be talking about a fast zoom.
Let us know if you mean just a really fast zoom, or a zoom where the subject stays the same size but the background warps - that would be a dolly zoom. A fast dolly zoom is difficult to do and generally requires two camera assistants (I've done it with one, but it wasn't super fast and it was still a pain in the a** and the assistant needs to be a pretty good focus-puller) plus a dolly and a dolly grip.

If you just mean a really fast zoom in, then that's a lot easier. You could do it by hand, especially if you're using a DSLR as the zoom throw on DSLR lenses tends to be small. The best option would be to hook up a follow focus unit to the zoom ring of you lens, then use a speed crank if you have one.

The make-shift method is to attach a long piece of 1" gaff tape around the lens barrel and let it tail out, so you have like a foot of gaff tape hanging off the lens and have some one give the tape a pull, just make sure your camera is locked down very securely.