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  • Hey Peter, just thought I'd let you know we watched one of your Vimeo tutorials today in 1st year film school here in Australia. :)
    hi sonnyboo! it's been a long time since I been on the site. I hope all of your projects are going well!

    I'm still working on getting more technical and building a craft, but here is one of my first shorts.

    It's a black and white silent short.

    feedback would be much appreciated!

    thanks, and I hope you're doing well!

    - danny
    I found it interesting that you didn't get much out of the Dov S-S Simens seminar as well. . . .
    Did you get that pm I sent you a week ago, sonnyboo?
    hello ross. i am an aspiring film maker. seeing all the experience you have you might be able to answer my question. SHould i really go to film school? or should i use the money, make a feature myself and see where that takes me? Do people with a college degree have a better chance at getting hired in hollywood? thanks
    hey can u help me in getting through this film industry....presently i'm doing my graduation( Bachelors degree) in Animation....and i'm planning to do ( my Masters) Post graduation in film making in abroad.....can u help me out in giving suggestions....thanking you in advance...awaiting for ur reply
    hi dis is kavya from india i'm an aspiring director......i've dne a musical video album earlier and planning make a short.....but the thing is i'm not that good at script writing....i'm still a student...can u plz help me with a small and simple script that would take micro budget to finish it.
    i'll be really thankful to you if you help me hope u will.....thanking you in advance awaiting for ur reply at the earliest.
    Hey thanks for the reply.
    I was also thinking using a classical music piece, say Mozart. Does this fall under public domain? And if so do I need to do anything say site it in the credits?
    Hey this is Ghatt Productions. I've seen some of your stuff bro. i'm in Ohio as well. Keep up the good work.
    Merry Christmas!
    Not much goin' on. Actually, project wise, I just did a :15 and :30 second promo for two different film festivals - same promos, different logos. Plus I finally got the FCP suite. Its installed but there have been some hiccups due to internal hard drive issues and heat. I think I will be re-installing it today or tomorrow, I hope it will let me over-write the program. How have you been? You always seem busy. : )
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