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Yesterday I brainstormed with my friend & co-writer on ideas for the new draft of our feature screenplay :) Like all such things, it's taking longer than we'd like to get it where we want it to be, but we'll get there, one revision at a time.
A lot of planning in pre-production is finding out what works and what doesn't work. Me personally I focus on how I can make it work, with the limited resources that I have. I noticed too much of my time was spent on trying to have a polished project, Sometimes those projects that are polished are not the ones that are perfect, but they are the ones that are meaningful and have a greater emphasis on purpose.
Just co-founded Chichester Filmmakers to help develop skills, retain local talent, and sew the seeds for a kindling film industry on the south coast of England. First 2 short films are in Development and PreProduction with another beig developed for 2025, and now talking to potential funding sources to do a feature film.

Who knows - we might even pull it off !!
Even though streaming dominates the movie market, I'm still tickled that my movie Detours is now available on DVD through Walmart on line & Amazon, & coming soon to Barnes and Noble & FYE. Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 9.35.13 AM.png
Pre-pre-production: Gearing up for the next 2 short film shoots here in the UK for 2024, AND just created a new Film Makers club for the City of Chichester (@Chichester Film makers).
The little things that make me (very) happy:
a follower on Threads (aka the new Twitter?) who I don't otherwise know said the following to me after watching Detours:
"I enjoyed it tremendously. I laughed and cried, but most importantly I felt better after watching than I did when I started."

We all know what a slog it is to make a feature, so any time I get positive feedback, it helps. A lot.
Everyone says they want to travel the world, but they hate watching foreign films
Twelve days of writers block for one little scrap of an idea. Eureka!! I am happy with my little scrap.
Outer Banks main character is "John B" and I think about Tommy Wiseau and "Chris-R" everytime i hear his name.
I appreciate the mentions by friend/collaborator Tara Westwood. Her description of our project is perfect: "Mara and I are now co-writing a feature about medically assisted death (trust me it’s a lighter story than it sounds)"