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watch Zombie Web Series

This series has grown from the previous two episodes. Please, if you enjoy zombie carnage, campy horror, or even indie films, give this a view. It would mean a lot to me if you did.


Hordes of the undead exhume from the earth, spawned from Hell Gates, and demonstrate a terror the world has never seen. Survivors deal with the situation to the best of their ability, some unite and fight, some attempt suicide, while others seek an opportunity to join in on the mayhem. If only zombies were the only problem, then perhaps the world wouldn't have to rely on this hap-hazard team.

Thank you for watching.
Okay, so I gave it a watch. It was enjoyable, and when I get some spare time, I'll check out the other episodes.

There are some issues here though:

The sound effects of the guns often do not sync up with the muzzle flashes and they do sound very fake. We can also see your lead actor shaking his gun, while no muzzle flashes or sounds are seen/heard. Plan the shots a little more, to make sure the actual movements of the actors can tie up with the visual effects you plan to do in post.

The visual effects were a bit strange too. The zombies were shot in one location and then the background was painted out? Is there some reason they couldn't have been shot on location? I assume the zombies were played by the same actor/s, but you could have achieved the same effect, cloning the zombies in post, having shot them actually in front of the house. This would be easiest to achieve if you kept the camera static and ensured that the zombies didn't overlap (still possible though), and that way you could avoid the 'stepping' on the edges of the zombies, where you haven't quite masked them out perfectly. The shot at 3:53 looks esspecially bad! Sorry!

All in all though, it was a reasonable effort, and I look forward to seeing more in the future.
I watched the first two before watching this one. The first one really caught my attention; the style was very inventive, and the plot moved along appropriately for a 4 minute film. I have to say, though, that in the second and third, the plot didn't develop enough for me. The style, while still enjoyable to watch, wasn't enough to keep up that same level of attention I had during the first.

So, I'd definitely watch a couple more episodes, but my advice would be to focus more on plot development as you go, because the style, fun as it is, won't carry the series for me.