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watch Zombie Party - a short film w/ an important social message concerning teen drug abuse

This is our first draft of my second short film. All original music, signed permission on all props, real police cars, and a hospital scene.

Please take a look and give me as much detail help as you are willing. Again I’m pretty new to film making so I can use all the help I can get. I really want this project to be something that film festivals will accept.
Thanks in advance, Bruce

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWtw1Bccr1s
I watched the entire thing.

The music was very good in my opinion.

Some of the sound was very tinny sounding. The hallway outside the hospital room for example was really bad.

The story is a,neat idea, but it didn't grab me. I felt like I was just along for the ride.

The night scenes needed more light in my opinion at many points.

The acting was not convincing to me. The nurse did pretty well. I would not be surprised if she were really a nurse. The cop in the hallway was convincing too although he got the corniest line in the short. I assume that was a slogan that he had to throw in.

The star just was not believable in that role in my opinion.

That said, I only hope my first short is as good as this:lol:
PowerKicker thanks for watching the film!

I will be sure to pass along what you thought of the music to the guy that recorded it for us. The nurse was indeed a real psychiatric nurse and the two police officers are real police officers. The Three of them were very helpful with helping me with how they would actually treat or handle such a situation while we were on set.

This was our first draft of editing and will make the following changes: adjust the contrast, balance the sound levels, add sound fx when the kid gets hit by the car, police sirens, and sound fx when the golf club hits people.
As i've said I'm new to this. I recieved the following advice with color corrections. Does this sound right? Thanks.

COLOR CORRECTION IN KIDS STUDY ROOM: Bring up the greens and blues. This will add tone to the room and give him a kind of pale under slept look. If you choose this look consider doing it in every scene where the kid is sleep deprived it will better separate his account of what happened and what actually happened.

COLOR CORRECTION IN BEST FRIENDS ROOM: Make his side of the conversation warmer. Bring down the blues and consider leaning on the magenta.

COLOR CORRECTION IN NIGHT TIME FIELD SCENE:Currently its all very BLUE. Bring that down and pull up the contrast and overlay a black and white version with about 75% opacity and its a better looking night shot.

HOSPITAL COLOR CORRECTION: Maybe use a florescent light filter. But bring down the blue and green. You dont want it to be warm but you dont want a distractingly cold colored room either.The skin tones are off a bit.
Excellent! I'm working on a teen drug project and I have to say, the vibe and everything about this is just great. Watched all of it, beginning to end, so that should tell you something. Neat editing, cinematography, premise, etc.

Also, great opening. Very...Kubrickian :)