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Youtube Channel: AlvinetFilms

Hello Everybody,
Im a young film maker with a lot of ideas and a lot of free time. I use this free time to improve my videos and use the videos to take up some of my free time :)

I feel I'm a pretty good film maker and would like more of an audience, so please watch my videos and be as harsh as you want. But also remember, if you like my videos, think i have potential, please subscribe and share the channel with your friends :)

If this is the case, send me your YouTube channel link and I will do my best to share your videos as well. This way we could all have great communities of viewers for our channels ;)

I watched The Package (without sound since I'm at work.) You guys seem pretty young and it's not bad for your age/experience level. You were cutting on action, it flowed well, I could tell what was going on even without sound. You're framing wasn't boring. And your handheld, for the most part, wasn't too shaky.

Things I would practice more:
-Pulling focus: We got to watch as you wavered back and forth trying to find the right focus. And in some places they were just plain soft/out of focus. Make yourself a DIY follow focus and practice your blocking and camera placement so you can mark the focus before the take. Then when it comes time to film you can know exactly where you need to be and when. Alternatively you can shoot with a wider focal length or stop down your aperture to get a deeper depth of field.
-Production design: This is obviously just your house and you didn't change anything at all to make it seem otherwise. Clean up the shots! Get that keyboard out of there, it's distracting. Just like acting, everything that's on screen should have a motivation, and if not a purpose, it should at least be there by conscious choice.

That's all I can think of :) Just keep practicing and making movies and you'll be great! You're off to a good start, you're starting young and you have access to equipment that even a relatively young person like me didn't have at your age. I envy you!
I watched The Package (without sound since I'm at work.) You guys seem pretty young and it's not bad for your age/experience level. You were cutting on action, it flowed well, I could tell what was going on even without sound. You're framing wasn't boring. And your handheld, for the most part, wasn't too shaky.

Things I would practice more:
-Pulling focus: We got to watch as you wavered back and forth trying to find the right focus. And in some places they were just plain soft/out of focus. Make yourself a DIY follow focus and practice your blocking and camera placement so you can mark the focus before the take. Then when it comes time to film you can know exactly where you need to be and when. Alternatively you can shoot with a wider focal length or stop down your aperture to get a deeper depth of field.
-Production design: This is obviously just your house and you didn't change anything at all to make it seem otherwise. Clean up the shots! Get that keyboard out of there, it's distracting. Just like acting, everything that's on screen should have a motivation, and if not a purpose, it should at least be there by conscious choice.

That's all I can think of :) Just keep practicing and making movies and you'll be great! You're off to a good start, you're starting young and you have access to equipment that even a relatively young person like me didn't have at your age. I envy you!

Thanks for the input, I'll be sure to make sure I follow the tips in the next film I make, haha my dad actually said the same thing about the house being all messy, although the video was made on short notice for a 48 hour film competition so we didnt have time to find a better place to film or even to move things out of the way. But thanks for the input, its probably the most useful and constructive, without bordering on insulting, feedback I've received on Indietalk :)