Youth Film Fest

On my way to work this morning I heard a nice story about the Chicago Youth Film fest that is going on today through saturday. I'm really sad as these are the only days I'm working and it sounds like a lot of fun :grumpy:

Anyway I wanted to share the story with you, it's basically an interview with one of the filmmakers as well as the director of the festival. Lots of interesting and inspiring stuff.

It makes me wish I got started much sooner. And then I remembered that I did use to film some stuff as a kid. In forth grade I was one of the leads in a gangster movie that my class made. We had to audition for the teacher and I got up and improvised a stand up routine (mostly ripping off tv shows, if I recall right :P).

And then I remember that I have a DV tape somewhere of a bunch of random footage from my year abroad in high school. I had been filming random events/moments and then did little 'real world' style confessionals of my friends. I need to find that tape and figure out a way to get it on my computer. They'd certainly all love a copy finally.

Fun stuff. Anyone else get started as young as these kids? They said their youngest filmmaker this year is 7!
I hear you.

Learning about the stuff I am right now, I wonder what would have happened had I tackled this subject in high school (Film).

I think it's great the young ones are getting into it now (so why can't we go back in time and do it? *sniff Sniff*:(
I wrote a screenplay when I was a kid about a hero named "Mr. Fruity Tutti" who was friends with an apple, orange, and pear. He was pretty indescript himself. I made them with balloons, so he was like a white banana only blown up halfway (so the deflated rest was his nose). He had to save his friends from an evil hot dog.

So using my dad's camcorder we shot all of the scenes, then went back and redid the audio, we did titles using sheets of paper, then he scored it with his john williams "best of" cd.

I would NEVER submit that to a festival haha but it does remind me how cool my dad was. I was also recently remembering a roadtrip I took with him across central PA when I was about 10, he let me take his camcorder and document what we saw. I got some really cool footage of Centralia, the abandoned mining town, and some of its last residents still on the outskirts of town. I sent him an email asking if he could dig it up for me!
I wrote a screenplay when I was a kid about a hero named "Mr. Fruity Tutti" who was friends with an apple, orange, and pear. He was pretty indescript himself. I made them with balloons, so he was like a white banana only blown up halfway (so the deflated rest was his nose). He had to save his friends from an evil hot dog.

So using my dad's camcorder we shot all of the scenes, then went back and redid the audio, we did titles using sheets of paper, then he scored it with his john williams "best of" cd.

I would NEVER submit that to a festival haha but it does remind me how cool my dad was. I was also recently remembering a roadtrip I took with him across central PA when I was about 10, he let me take his camcorder and document what we saw. I got some really cool footage of Centralia, the abandoned mining town, and some of its last residents still on the outskirts of town. I sent him an email asking if he could dig it up for me!

That's a cool story! :)

I am trying to get my kids into film making when they are young (though not forcing it, my daughter seems to really take to it). I let them move the camera and record, I show them how to edit, ect.(well the basics as it were-for example I took footage of them walking in and out of doors and rooms, and I am showing them how to make people appear/disappear, ect )

They seem to enjoy it-and they look at films now and try and break down how the effects were done:lol:
I started writing when I was nine. Started shorts at fourteen, and I released my first feature at sixteen.

It took the style of this movie called "The Kentucky Fried Movie" and I'm still incredibly proud of it. It featured like 40 people, because it was a movie made up of sketch comedy with an small plot connecting everything.

Also, that same year I finally shot that first script I wrote when I was nine.

At the premiere of that first feature, alot of people from the local town saw it, and I was really excited because I had never seen a crowd stand and clap at the credits (this is because they were nice, they weren't impressed).

Either way, I'm working on my 2nd feature and I'm now 19 years old. I guess I'm young.
I started writing when I was nine. Started shorts at fourteen, and I released my first feature at sixteen.

It took the style of this movie called "The Kentucky Fried Movie" and I'm still incredibly proud of it. It featured like 40 people, because it was a movie made up of sketch comedy with an small plot connecting everything.

Also, that same year I finally shot that first script I wrote when I was nine.

At the premiere of that first feature, alot of people from the local town saw it, and I was really excited because I had never seen a crowd stand and clap at the credits (this is because they were nice, they weren't impressed).

Either way, I'm working on my 2nd feature and I'm now 19 years old. I guess I'm young.

You should enter your new film next year, the max age is 20!