Your favorite 16mm film.

what is your favorite film? I recently shot with the colour negative KODAK VISION 320T - 7277 and I loved it.
Ext - 50D (like eating ice cream on a hot day), Int 200T v2

I have to say though I heard they are making v2 50D soon, and Im really looking forward to seeing what that looks like (even less grain than the most grainless film on the market!)
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I like the Black and White reversal stocks Tri-X and Plus-X. As for color...mmmm...I've tried 250T and it was groovy! I still need to shoot more color to give a better opition on all the choices out there. Plus that's just Kodak, I haven't shot any Fuji stock yet. :( One day soon though! :D
Fuji 250T. If I were asked to pick one stock to shoot a film this would be the one because it can handle just about anything. I've shot day exteriors (not by choice, but because the idiot producer was lazy and just ordered one stock instead of the three I picked. I used with ND filters) which turned out well, most interiors and some night exteriors as long as they aren't huge things like chase scenes down city streets or football stadiums.

Kodaks 500T (7218) is fantastic. I'm a big fan of Kodak's 50D, although some thought it was too contrasty. In general, I think Kodak does a better job on the low (50D) and high (500T) end. Where Fuji shines is in the middle with 125T and 250T.

mmmmm. but kadak only makes a 500T, so interms of the fastest out door stock
fuji 500D is the one.
i have been shooting naturalistic low light scenes:
early morning, evening, inside to outside:
amazing, it looks for light where ever it can, though at the expense of super crunchy blacks but
if thats what you want to do there is nothing else/ there?
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